Just Another Day in New York

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I'm still crying from the last chapter! But enjoy the Ironstrange meeting!~A.M.

im still shook about IW~M🐺🎈


(enter wong and stephen strange)

"Seriously? You don't have any money?" Strange asks Wong incredulously as they walk down the stairs.

"Attach to material is detachment from the spiritual." Wong shrugs.

Strange stops and turns to look at him, "Yeah, I'll tell that to the guys at the deli! Maybe they'll even make you a mystical ham and rye!"

Wong digs through the pockets of his robes. "Wait, I have 200!"


"No, rupees!"

"Alright, I'll buy. What do you want?"

"I would't say no to a tune melt."

Strange rolls his eyes and goes to walk the rest of the way down the stairs when he catches sight of young female with red hair and the most unique eyes he has ever seen. He quickly whips out his magic shield/weapon. The girl laughs and whips a hand in front of her that seems to break his magic. He stares at the girl in both wonder and confusion. "Who are you?"

Wong steps in front of him and says, "Hecate? Goddess of magic?" in disbelief.

'Hecate' smiles at Wong and says, "Yes and you are Wong, the sorcerer. It's a pleasure to meet you." She steps closer the pair and holds out her hand.

"It's an honor! I've read and heard many stories about you!" Wong says and immediately shakes her hand.

Hecate blushes a bit and looks over to Stephen, "Doctor Stephen Strange, I've heard of your work. It's a pleasure. I am Hecate, greek goddess of magic. Or Trivia if you prefer my Roman form."

"It's a pleasure. I used to learn about the gods and goddesses in my History classes. Sadly, never really paid much attention as I was much more into science." Strange says, still slightly confused.

Hecate laughs, "Understandable. Some of us can be a bit-"

The goddess interrupted as something crashes through the roof and into the stairs. The three magic wielders run over to the crash sight, immediately going into defense mood.

Hecate softens as she sees a familiar sight and sighs with relief, "Bruce-"

Bruce Banner groans and looks up at the three with wide eyes, "T-thanos is coming. He is coming."

Hecate's eyes go wide, "Oh, shit."

-------------*cue title screen and cut to Pepperony in the park*-------------------------------------------------------------------

Tony Stark walks besides his fiance, Pepper Potts as he rambles about dream he had the night before, "I'm totally not kidding!"

"You're totally rambling!" Pepper says, rolling her eyes.

"No, I'm not!" Tony argues.

Pepper puts her hands up in defense, "You lost me."

"Look, you know when you're having a dream and you have to pee in the dream?"

"Yeah, sure."

"And then you're just like, oh my god, there's no bathroom! What am I going to do?" Tony exclaims, hand flying everywhere.

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