Fights on a Space Donut

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endgame? more like end me. anyway enjoy a slightly longer chapter because maddie made this title without warning me :)~A.M

im not crying. My eyes are just sweating:) ~Maddie🎈🐺



(Flashback in Zen-Whoberi with bby gamora and eggplant)

As a Young Gamora and her mother wait in a room, hiding from Thanos.

"Shh. We'll be safe. We'll be safe" her mother says

But as soon as she said this a loud crash hits the surface. Gamora screams and her mother covers her mouth hoping no one heard her. That's when Ebony Maw opens the door and Gamora sees everything. Her planet was destroyed.

"Zehobereians..." Ebony said

Young Gamora was snatched from her mother and into the hands of Thanos' trust worthy "child"

"Mother! Where's my mother!" Gamora hit Ebony and tried to escape

"Choose a side, or die" Ebony gave the choice

But Gamora didn't listen

"Mother!" Gamora yells in fear and was let go by Ebony

"One side is revelation. The other is an honor known only to a few." Ebony said

That's when Gamora finds herself in the presence of Thanos

"What's wrong, little one?" Thanos asked the young girl.

"My Mother! Where is my mother!" She yelled

Thanos kneels down

"What's your name?" Thanos asked

"Gamora" she said hesitantly

"You're quite the fighter, Gamora." Thanos said as he pulls out a double sided knife

"Look. Pretty, isn't it? Perfectly balanced. As all things should be. Too much to one side, or the other..." He finished

Thanos gives her the knife and lets her try to balance it

"Now go in peace, and meet your maker" Ebony said

One half of the crowd is shot and on the the floor. Gamora then was trying to look but Thanos stopped her.

"Concentrate. There! You've got it!" He said as she smiled


(yeet back to the future)

Gamora stands, brooding and watching out the window. She plays with the dagger that was given to her so long ago.

"Gamora. Do you know if these grenades are the "blow off your junk" kind or the gas kind? 'Cause I was thinking I might hang a couple on my belt right here. But I don't want to-" Peter rambles, interrupting her thoughts.

"I need to ask a favour." Gamora says, interrupting his rambling

"Yeah, sure." He immediately agrees.

"One way or another, the path that we're on leads to Thanos." She says gravely.

"Which is what the grenades are for." He sasses but stops once Gamora gives an exasperated look, "I'm sorry, what's the favor?"

Gamora sighs deeply, "If things go wrong... If Thanos gets me... I want you to promise me... you'll kill me." She says slowly.

There's a moment of silence as Peter processes what she's asking of him. "What?" He asks, not entirely sure he heard her correctly.

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