Stronger than you think

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I'm changing the name of the title from the sneak peek. I'm also changing how the reader is as well since I read over my story and figured I need to change a few things. Soooo, yeah. Please enjoy and hello i am back, and alive!

P.s: This might be a very long chapter, i might have to put in a part 2 


Each day tread past faster than you could anticipated. Morning, Afternoon, even then night, Time here felt so much different to your world and you still couldn't get use to it. Since the foolish argument with Sesshomaru, neither have you looked, spoke or even interacted with each other and it seemed to wear you down. Yes, you admit that you were being quite the child but how could you not? You come to a weird world that's far beyond your own, strange creatures who seek to consume you would be moulded and carved from either wood or rock in your world, still and lifeless; Thus, here they crawl, stalk and pounce for their targeted prey. To top it off, you loose your cousin and her friends when you got taken by sesshomaru. Honestly, you just wanted to sleep in your warm cosy bed and have a nice proper shower back at home. 

But you can't. Only the heart-breaking fantasies of such a thing is what you can do now. Morning was still at it's peak as the sun blazed through half of the world you resided on, travelling with the small group as they follow their leader in front. It's been a month or 2 now since you've only been following the group, climbing mountains and pushing through forests past other villages so you're not spotted but as time drifted passed, you kind of enjoyed the venture. It was peaceful, calm and the smell of nature is what you loved the most; wet and muggy smell of coarse dirt, strong scents of open plants that have soaked themselves in the cool morning dew. 

Walking beside Ah-un silently humming to yourself, you felt something tugging on your hair which caused you to turn your head up to look upon Ah-un's back where the small little human girl sat. She smiled at you and you gave a half sloped smile back. (I can't remember if they introduced themselves..sorry if they have but we gonna go through it again!) "Hi! I'm Rin, what's your name miss?", eyes softening you gave a proper smile to the girl "My name is Y/n, it's lovely to meet you, rin" She giggled, your heart fluttered. 'so Cuuuuuute!!' You were practically screaming that in your head. Through-out the day, you sat on Ah-un with rin, taking turns for questions and then be answered. You both were merged in the conversation since you both wanted to equally know what both worlds were like and how different they truly are (even though you know how far far faaar different they are).


The day began to burn through to midday and you all had stopped by a nearby creak to rest and eat before venturing once more. Sliding off Ah-un then assisted rin off the lizard, placing her down to tie the reins around a tree securely. Rin and Jaken sat down under the tree to rest, you entered the forest to find some food. Searching through the many trees and bushes you found some mulberries tress and you fist pumped yourself, scurrying over to collect the plump packed goodies. 

you heard rustling from behind and you froze in place, you were going to taste a berry to see if they were sweet for the picking but the noise behind was more important. Snaking a hand to your katana you sucked in a breath as you listened, watched, felt and smell anything that seemed odd. Feeling a gust of wind from behind, you curved your body and brought your katana out of it's sheath, wielded and ready to slice and you moved your arms swiftly. You halted your weapon, blade gleaming in the sunlight barely a mere inch close the contacted skin that was nearly sliced. You stayed in your attack position, letting out a cool breath as you trailed your eyes up slowly, taking in the familiar clothing and long silver hair, sesshomaru. 

"Without warning, i could have hurt you" your voice was serene as your blade was still in it's frozen position, almost gazing the tall male's neck. He didn't seem to waver at the blade nor it's sharpness. 

The Fox and the Dog Demon [UNDER EDITING AND COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now