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Previously Last Chapter....

You sucked in a breath and followed the left path and out to the clearing at the end, only to find nothing but an open field. "I could of sworn this was the right way" you said aloud, gazing at nothing but a flourishing fresh field with a few daises here and there. Exhausted and tired, you plop down underneath the nearest tree you saw, taking a rest. The rusting behind you instantly startled you, turning you noticed a woman approaching. 

"What is a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" 

"I could ask you the same thing" 

"Because they found out I devoured all the women's souls~" 

She lunges, you quickly grab one of her arms that is closest to you, falling to the ground and using your foot - kick her in the stomach and over you completely. You waste no time sprinting through the open field. You don't turn around when you hear a thunderous cry from the demon woman as she now pursue's you from behind. 

"Enough games! I will devour Kiyoko's Soul! Even if I need to rip your body apart to achieve it!"

 Standing in front of you was another woman, she had long black hair that was tied together with a white ribbon. She wore the exact same hakama as the other females you had seen in the first village you had started, except the colours were red and white. 

"Priestess kikyo, it has been such a long time~" She devilishly hissed, forked tongue flickering out of her ripped mouth. 


"You will go alone. There you will ask for my sister, Kaede

"Are you not coming?" I looked at her, her back facing me. She shook her head, "I would not be welcomed there anymore..." 

"I'm sure your sister misses you even more! I heard what you said, I did. But I know that no matter what; family is family. And I bet your sister would love to see you again" 

I smile heartedly at her before heading down the hill. "So don't forget to see her now and then" I gave her a thumbs up before disappearing to the village, leaving kikyo on the top of the hill.  


Chapter 4 - Did you get Déjà vu?

Chapter 4 - Did you get Déjà vu?

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|| In the Morning ||

"COCK-A-DOODLE-D-CRAAAWW!!!" You opened your eyes when you heard the loud thud from the far wall of the rooster you threw a mere 0.3 seconds prior. Sitting up from the large bed of hay you laid on last night when you entered the the village her sister resided in. Well, you left but, she too - left you. Stretching your limbs and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you had noticed that there were more then the one rooster and cluck-clucks of chickens that surrounded you.

The Fox and the Dog Demon [UNDER EDITING AND COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION]Where stories live. Discover now