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Disclaimer The bold letter is a flashback except for the names enjoy. -Author


I woke up in a dark basement I was chained up it was really cold down here then I realized why I was here and looked at the bruises on my body then I saw a little pudge on my stomach I started to cry when I heard footsteps I wiped my tears and looked up to see who was coming and sure enough, it was August.

"Hey babe"

"Hey," I said dryly fighting back my tears

"Look I'm sorry Dani" he caressed my cheek

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore

"Look I'm sorry ma stop crying"

"August I can't do this no more I'm pregnant and you treat me like a dog in having your child your SECOND at that and you beat on me and you cheat on me like I'm nothing to you!! why can't it just go back to the way thing used to be "


- 3 years ago-

September 24th 1993

I walked around the diner and sighed another day of misery at least I get off tomorrow I thought to myself I watched as a man walked through the door of the diner

"Dani tell him to sit at table 4" the other waitress said to me

"Okay" I nodded my head I waved him over to table four luckily he noticed me

"Hello welcome to Paula's can I start you off with a drink" I grabbed the notebook out my back pocket the man smiled at me my cheeks felt hot

"I'll take a Dr Pepper" the man said

"Will this be here or to go sir?"

"Please call me August Sir makes me feel old" he laughed I laughed as well

"Well August is your order for here or to go?"

"Dine in" He looked at my name tag

"Dani"He winked at me and I blushed

"Okay your drinks will be out shortly feel free to browse our menu so I can take your order when I come back" I smiled as I walked away I pondered in my thoughts I grabbed the cup and started pouring the drink from the dispenser

I can't lie August was undeniably handsome but he has something odd about him he's not like other men that come through the diner

"Danielle!" My manager yelled

"Yes?" I looked at the cup in my hand it was over flowed with Dr Pepper I gasped

"I'm sorry Mrs. Montez" I wiped my hand on my apron

"That's gonna come out of your paycheck Ay Dios Mio" She face palmed herself

"I'm sorry I'll clean it up" I grabbed some napkins

"No, go take your table order!" She said my eyes started watering.

The only reason why I have this job is to get out of the house... I can't wait to move out

"Okay" I grabbed the drinks and walked back over to table 4

"Okay here's you drinks can I take your order" I grabbed

"Why don't you sit with me you look tired" August said I looked at my manager and she rolled her eyes

"Well it is around the time for my lunch break" I awkwardly laughed
I sighed and sat down across from him I stared at him noticing his features and his flaws he has freckles that sit right above his cheekbones light brown eyes and smooth Caramel skin

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