Mi Amor💔🖤

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I should go back to Dani I miss her too much that was my wife she was my baby I love h—

"August Anthony Alsina JR!!!" My mom said calling me by my full name  

"Yes ma'am"

"Come get this baby! He throwing a fit" she said referring to my son Adonnis or as we call him Lil Auggie

I sighed as I threw the covers off of me And got up to get my son

"Mom you acting like you don't know how to take care of babies you had 4 of them," I said putting my son in his car seat 

"Boy I don't take care of kidnapped kids "

"Mo— you know what I'm not gonna keep arguing with you". I said walking out the house still in pajamas with my son in his car seat

"I'm tired of you August I called the police on you and filed a report I knew you were beating on the Lil girl but I never said anything but now I will," she said shutting the door in my face

"MOM" "NO PLEASE THEY GONNA TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME!" I yelled banging the door when I heard my voices in my head

You should kill her

"No, I can't do that she's my mom"

Its the only way


Come on august they gonna take him from you do it

"I can't"

Then immediately Danielle popped in my head

"I gotta get to the hospital!"

~20 minutes later~

"Hi can I have Danielle Sanchez room number please," I said rushing the last few words

"Ummm what your name," she said popping her gum loudly

"August Alsina"

"Oh your not allowed to go back there" when she said that something snapped as i sat Adonnis down 

"Listen here you gonna give me her room number and you get to live," I said grabbing her neck roughly choking her

"O-Okay," she said coughing uncontrollably

"Whats her room number," I said fed up getting Adonis's car seat off the floor

"209," she said holding her neck

"Thank you," I said sliding her $500 to keep her mouth shut

she had tears in her eyes and rubbed her neck

I sighed and pulled a stack of money out of my pocket and handed it to her and walked away

"209,209,209" I repeated to myself as I was walking down the hallways looking for her room number when I saw a woman with her face wrapped up and a man and a little girl by her side I looked and saw that it was Dani's room number I didn't know I beat her that bad.....


I watched as another man entered the hallway and was looking for room 209 I instantly knew it was her room now its time for revenge!

** I have to survive especially for my only daughter Mi Amor **

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