Why did he?

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~sorry  haven't been updating I lost my phone and my cousins just had her birthday but she died on April 6 this year so yea sorry for not updating happy thanksgiving /merry Christmas~ Author


Dani told me I can't see my kids I don't think she knows who I am but she'll find out I let her get some time I'm hurt too Tanisha always ruining everything ima deal with her then Danielle I'm getting tired of her mouth like she doesn't know what I'm capable of but I'll remind her sooner or later  if I can't have her no one will I'm bout to head to the trap to get her handled

"Aye yo J," I said irritated

"Wassam boss"

"You got em yet," I said referring to Tanisha and her nasty friends

"I only got the girl I don't know where the other girl is"

"Ight well you better find him"

"Ight boss I'll try"

"Nah man you BETTER find them or I'll off you." it was an awkward silence "You heard," I said making sure he understood

"Ight boss no need for you to get in yo feelings bout it"

"I dont get in my feelings I get stuff done bye" I hung up

**Monique is Dani's best friend but they haven't talked in a while because he made her cut her off if you don't remember**


I haven't talked to Danielle in awhile I hope she's okay I saw on the news that she was hurt badly so I'm going to go to the hospital to see her I know she just had my godson so I'm going to see all my babies if you don't know me and Dani were friends since middle school until she dropped out of high school we've been distant since and I really do miss her I do but she's dumb she keeps running back to August I remember when they first started dating she told me something and I had to get her out of there she told me that he could have almost killed her that night...



"August it's just my friend"

"YOU DON'T NEED NO FRIENDS," he said slapping her to the ground

"Baby p-please stop," she said on the ground crying

"SHUT UP WHEN I TELL YOU TO SOMETHING YOU DO IT," he said repeatedly punching and kicking her

She managed to snatch her phone off the ground and attempt to call 9-1-1

"Do it I dare you and it will be the last thing YOU DO!!" he yelled grabbing a handful of her hair and slamming her head against the wall her head was leaking out blood she was going in and out of consciousness

"Dani D-Dani wake up I-I'm sorry"

"Dani wake up please I need you," he said crying

He drove to the hospital in a hurry running all the red lights

"Help me please my "wife" is in trouble please help me she's going out of consciousness"

"We'll take care of her stay in the waiting room"


"If you don't mind me asking how did she get like this she's was beaten bad"

"u-um I found her u-um in the house like this I told her I had to go somewhere and I came back the house was a mess and she was like this"

"Oh ok,"

~ The next day~

"A-August," she said barely above a whisper

"Yes, baby?"

" I- I can't move my legs"

"Nurse come in please," he said to the nurse in the hallway

"I can't m-move"

"Ma'am you have severe brain injury if I may ask who did this to you?" she said glancing at august


"Like I said I came home and she was like this," he said with a devilish look

"Is this true ma'am?" she turned to me

"Y-yes it is" she was scared of what he would do to her

"Babe c-can I have my phone back"

"Yea you can I'm sorry bout what happened," he said handing her a new phone

"Thank you"

 when she got the phone she immediately put my number in it


                                     Monique help me!!!! -1:23

Wym? -1:24

                                           He beat me really bad I'm in the hospital-1:30

What hospital you at I'm omw-1:31

No, he's here wait till they discharge me then I'll wait till he leaves then you can come1:34


don't text me again unless I text you ok I don't want to upset him1:40


That's Monique in the mm^

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