{16 and a half}
"You always say that," I said to Lucas
I turned my head and faced his way and felt a stinging sensation on my left cheek as he grabbed my writs tightly
"Lucas stop, please I'm tired," I said turning to him pleading trying to get out of his grip
"You love making me mad don't you!" Lucas said coming closer to me smirking
"No n-no I don't Lucas," I said with tears coming down my face
I started to have these flashbacks from him beating me my grandfather my dad it was too much my mom trying to kill herself me mourning the loss of my grandma my mom's miss carriage yes if you remember... she miss-carried the night my grandma died because of all the stress my dad caused her my mom is almost 33 years old she's still in a coma...
My heart rate monitors went up and I soon realized I was having a panic attack I couldn't breathe my chest was going up and down I used to have these when I was younger but why are they back now? I couldn't breathe I was gasping for air and the nurses and doctors came in the room The was the last thing I saw then I blacked out...
{17 and a half}
{junior in high school}
A/n you know what I just realized I never school do scenes.....😂🤫
Autumn just passed out I don't know why but I hope she's ok... I went across the hall to the vending machine to get a drink and I saw one of Autumn's friends walking down the hallway to her room
Oh, so we telling people we in the hospital now?. Bet.
"Aye Ummm" I snap my fingers
"Taylor" She retorted
"Yea un Taylor what chu here for?" I asked curiously
"Um, I'm here for a pregnancy check-up why?" She asked with a scrunched up face
"Because I know autumn would want to know if her best friend was in the hospital" I lied
"Mhmm can I go to my appointment now?" she said
"Yeah bye" I chuckled
"It was nice seeing you," she said popping her gum eyeing me as she walked away
I got my 7 up and headed to her room"Mr. Coly your girlfriend is ok now we have her sedated and your child is ok she is 5 months already!! Congratulations"
"Yea thanks," I said smiling thinking of a little me running around
"Do you want it to be a girl or a boy?" He asked curiously
"Uh I want a Baby girl" I smiled
"Awe so precious"
"Yup can I go see her now"
"No uh she asked if she didn't have visitors for the remainder of the day," he said
"That's my girlfriend I have a right to check on her!" I yelled
Nah she got me messed up she lucky I don't kill her right now she got something coming...
I walked in the room and saw Autumn sleep..
{16 and a half}
{Junior in high school}
I laid in the bed waiting for Lucas to burst in my room ignoring my requests more and more my requests for him to stop beating me to stop cheating on me to stop the pain... as I was waiting I fell asleep
"Uh, Miss Alsina? Your boyfriend says he wants to come in can he?" I rolled my eyes knowing my decision won't matter so why resist I nodded
"Ok" he opened the door so Lucas could come in
"Hey Baby," he said smiling at me
"Hey," I said smiling maybe if I'm nice he won't hit me well I don't know he's bipolar after his Mom died he's never been the same...
"Did you take your medicine today?" I asked
"No, but you shouldn't be worried about me your the one in the hospital" he chuckled
"Baby you need to take your medicine," I told him
"I-I can't take it," he said stuttering
"Lucas we've been together since 2017 why can't you take it you know I'm here for you," I said rubbing his shoulder
"I-I see her when I take it and I can't handle it," he said as tears fell down his cheeks
"I'm gonna go visit my mom ill be back" I kissed his forehead as he stared ahead in deep thought
I stared in awe as I crossed the hall and seen nurses and doctors flooding my mother's room
"Ms. Alsina your mother is a fighter she just woke up from her coma..." the doctor told me
"Really??????" I asked excitedly
"mi mama!!" I said to her as I entered the room
"Mi Amour," she said with a raspy voice
"estás embarazada Cuando donde" (your pregnant when were how?)
"es una larga historia Mami, sé por quién es el padre"
(it's a long story mommy I know who the father is through)
"que le Paso a tu cara Bebe" (what happened to your face baby?)
"no te preocupes mamá Estoy Bien" (don't worry about it mom I'll be fine)
"What happened to your leg, Autumn Jae Marie!"
"I fell down the stairs" I lied well I wasn't lying I did fall well got dragged down the stairs
"dad got out of jail," I said changing the subject
"What no!" she said looking like a deer caught in headlights
I woke up in a cold sweat and looked around the hospital room and seen Lucas how long will I be trapped in these CYCLES
short chapter!!!
when do you think Autumn is gonna tell her mom?
why do you think Autumn's mom is scared
when is autumns dad gonna pop up
when is Lucas gonna tell her the shocking truth

Teen Fiction"I'M SORRY PLEASE STOP I WON'T DO IT AGAIN" "SHUT UP," he said as he hit me again. Again I was getting beat for the simplest mistake..............will she escape??