Been that way

504 18 0


[16 1/2]

[Junior in highschool]

I walked back into my apartment took my mask off and put my keys on the counter kicked my shoe I still have this boot on one foot off I finally got out of the hospital I was tired of eating that nasty food

"Baby!" I yelled out

"You here?" I asked

"Yea wassup bae," he said as I looked towards the stairs

"You had another dream last night?" he asked

"Yea I had a dream my mom woke up I told her that my Dad was out of jail and she looked really scared" I explained

"What do you think that means?" He asked

"Babe I don't know I'm trying not to think about it" I sighed rubbing my temples

"Ight," he said getting up

"Where are you going, Lucas?" I questioned

"Don't worry bout it bae I'll be back ok?" he said kissing my cheek

I just closed my mouth because I know he'll start going crazy if I question him again

He raised his hand and I flinched he caressed my hair

"I love you, baby, you know that?" he said the started to get rough with my hair

"Babe your hurting me," I said taking his hand off of me

"Why do you question me, Autumn?" He said staring at me

"Luc-" He cut me off by wrapping his hands around my neck I clawed at his hands gasping for air

"Don't do it again," he said throwing me on the couch 

I coughed as he left out the door just then I felt a substance trickle down my leg

I looked down at my gray leggings and seen a clear substance and my stomach started cramping I took my pants off and walking towards the downstairs bathroom

"Oh no baby you coming too early mommy doesn't know what you are yet," I said as I held my stomach

I slowly stepped into the bath took my clothes off and turned the water on and laid down

I inhaled and exhaled I grabbed my phone and called my OBGYN I was already gonna have a home birth but not this early

/Bold is the OBGYN/

"Hello.,"   she answered on the first ring

"I'm in labor" I rushed out as fast as I could as another contraction came

"ahhhhhh," I said clutching my stomach

"I'm on my way," she said 

"keep me on the phone just breathe and if I'm not there within 10 minutes start pushing ok?"

"ok" I exhaled I grabbed my lower abdomen as I felt a sharp pain

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