Hold up

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*Dani's flashback is over for this chapter but will return next chapter*


Lately, I've been thinking about my family A LOT I don't know who she thinks she is trying to take my child and my unborn away from me well she got another thing coming cause I miss autumn we don't even know what we are having now and if she aborts that baby ima kill her...


August is probably planing on revenge that's why I'm moving today and Chris is coming with us. Today is my doctor's appointment to see what I'm having I hope it's a boy but what will I name him? Not August jr but maybe just jr I like that but I don't know. I'm packing up my stuff into the Uhaul I keep feeling a sharp pain in my stomach I just let it slide but I'm 6 months pregnant something could be wrong hopefully nothing is wrong I got one of the boxing for autumns room and carried it near the truck when I felt another sharp pain but it was worse than the other ones I dropped the boxes and fell onto the ground I rubbed my stomach as I felt a substance trickling down my pants OMG my water just broke


"Yes dan- Omg are you ok he said panicking

"NO MY WATER JUST BROKE take me to the freaking hospital" I exclaimed he ran into the house to get autumn and royalty he put them in the car and drove off

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh he/she is coming" I screamed he stepped on the brakes we were at the intersection the hospital is only one mile away the light turned green we were heading that way but a red truck that looked just like august's t boned our car causing it to flip over I couldn't see a lot I got out the car and I reached in the back for autumn and royalty they were fine a little banged up but Chris, he was unconscious I was so scared I shook him he woke a little but I saw someone run from the car that hit us over here and speak of the devil it was none other than August can my day get any worse

"Woop Woop" the ambulance came they carried Chris in and called another one for the rest of us 

"Mommy I'm scared," Autumn said crying

"I know baby I am t-ahhhhhhh" my contractions are getting worse I felt the baby drop down more and more

"Helpppppppp I said while August walks toward me I back up

"You thought you could get away didn't you," he said grabbing me

"August plea-ahhhhh," I said holding my stomach as I was having more contractions

"Oh you're in labor," he said with a blank on his face

"Yes please help me" I pleaded

"Daddy please help mommy she's hurting"

 "What's wrong with my daddy," Royalty said crying

"Everything will be ok," I said with my voice cracking august pulled me into his car with Royalty and Autumn I was so scared. I felt myself under my pants and I felt a head 


"I'm trying," he said pushing 60mph

~ at the hospital~

August stayed with Royalty and Autumn in the waiting room

"Just one more push Danielle, please," she said while I was squeezing her hand tightly

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" I said breathing heavily

"Here he is!!!!"

"Waah waah waah"

Omg, it's a boy!!!! but I'm not having any more kids cause yeah no

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