Who is she? Part 2

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~1 month later~


Chris and I went our separate ways after the accident I haven't seen him since. I'm still with August but we don't live together he comes over time to time but lately, I've been feeling paranoid like someone is watching me but I don't know  I'm a single mother now it's hard August gives me money not to my address though through Zelle or cash app my life has been well I dropped the kids off by my mother's house today because I have a photoshoot I had to get ready for what I'm wearing its kindy chilly outside so I'm gonna get my fur coat I'm going to take a walk we live in a pretty chill neighborhood but the freaks come out at night and drug dealers rapists everything you probably think of I rarely go out in these times but today I'm just going on a short little walk I'm gonna be fine... I grabbed the house keys my phone and locked the door 

I was walking down the street as I heard people catcalling at me

"ooooo weeee she fine," the old man on the corner said

"Yes she's a beauty" I sighed why all these old people out here i rolled my eyes


I've been following Danielle so when she's vulnerable we can strike when I said we I mean me my two best friends Tracy and Resha she doesn't even notice us she's too focused on the old men catcalling her and she's about to turn to the ally soo time for the show.....

I jumped out the car with my wooden bat and brought Tracy and Resha wit me 

"Hey sweetie long time no see"

"C-Corey w-what are you doing"

"Corey what she talking bout Tanisha, "Resha said with her big ole mouth

"Getting you to stay away from my man that's what I'm doing"

"Your man" she laughed

 Her saying that just pissed me off I hit her with the bat on her head her stomach I heard bones cracking she shouldn't have messed with me 

Tracy and Resha was punching and kicking her we beat her bad but we weren't done


"Someone please help," I said as loud as I could a man came into the alley and saw me

"Maam what happened?"

"I- got just-" everything was getting blurry and I passed out


I'm chilling at my house I'm prolly bout to watch some t.v. but as I was flipping through channels one caught my eye 

"Late last night a young woman identified as Danielle Leigh Sanchez was brutally beaten a in an ally way on the corner of main and broad witnesses say it was three women  if you have any tips on this case please call 1800-675-9876" "here are the pictures of the three assaulters if you know anything about their motive or if you see them call the news hotline"

"Dani!!!!!!!!!!" hearing what happened to her made my blood boil and I knew exactly who did it

I hopped in my car turned the ignition on and drove right to Tanisha's house

**ten minutes later**

I guess they didn't hear me come in because they were talking about something

"Yep she got what she deserved I bet you she not having no more of MY MANS KIDS "

" So you did do it," I said grabbing her throat and slamming her against the wall

"Yep," she said with no remorse which made me squeeze harder

"WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!!!!!"

She didn't answer so I squeezed 

" I-I can't b-breathe"

"THEN ANSWER" I gritted through my teeth

"o-okay," she said 

"Answer," I said punching her in her face repeatedly

"You know what I'm just going to the police I know all yall's names so... bye T," I said smiling at her badly beaten face

"wait what did you mean she wasn't going to have any more of my kids," I said looking at her again but she didnt answer

"Ight bet," I said walking over her body and out the door,  I'm headed for the police station


~comment if you want more chapters~ 

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