Why now?

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I cried as they rolled my son out in an incubator I couldn't hold him

Soon the crying turned into anger it's all August's fault he's the reason Chris won't wake up he's the reason I can't hold my baby he's the reason I can't go back to school he's the reason I have TWO babies and I'm only 18!!!! I haven't been to school in 2 years since I got pregnant I went to school until autumn was 3 I would've stayed and graduated but august forced me to stay home it's crazy right? well that's what happened I saw August walking towards my room I tensed up because I didn't know what he was going to do to me he had a smirk on his face if looks could kill I would be dead by now honestly I'm scared for my life right now imagine what he could do how mad he is at me I was interrupted by my thoughts by him walking in

 "How are you feeling?" he said closing the door still with a smirk on his face

"F-fine why," I said studdering

 "Why are you studdering you scared? I'm not gonna hurt you, mama, you just had my child but when you get out of here you gon pay for taking my child away from me"

"August please I'm sorry you don't have t-" I was cut off by a slap to the face tears were welling up didn't he just say he wasn't gonna hurt me?

"Like I said ima get you back later" He gritted through his teeth

I stayed quiet the nurse came in and brought my son and left 

We need to choose a name

"W-what do you want to name the baby?'' I said with a shaky voice

August grabbed my wrist and caressed it before squeezing it tightly

"August jr"

"No bu-'' He grabbed my chin roughly and turned my face directly facing him

"August jr okay?''

I nodded because I don't want to get hit again

I was thinking about the name then Chris crossed my mind I hope he's okay I'm gonna ask the nurse I pressed the nurse button and she came in after like 2 minutes 

"Hi my name is Camille how can I help you"

"Hi I was wondering if you knew anything about Christopher Brown" 

"Oh I'm sorry he hasn't awakened yet," she said walking out the room and rolling my son out too

"what you worried bout him fa?"

 I turned away and looked at him in a rage "Because of you August, YOU DID THIS"

"AYE WHO YOU YELLING AT MANE," he said grabbing me roughly

"Ouch" I winced at the pain at my side where he was grabbing

"You better tone down Lil girl," he said slamming my body on the hospital bed

"August please I've been through enough" he stayed silent pacing around the room

"Where's Autumn? and Royalty?" I said looking around

"Don't worry bout it"

"What do you mean don't worry bout it that's my child" "and Chris's, daughter"

"I said don't worry bout now shut up I need to think dang," he said yelling

I tried to move my body to get out the hospital bed but he grabbed me and pushed me back down on the bed 

 "August wheres my daughter?" I said attempting to get back up he grabbed my chin roughly and squeezed it making me look at him as tears were flowing down my face

"Where are my babies," I said crying

"They're fine ma there with Miss Sheila stop crying," he said caressing my cheek

"W-Why do you hurt me like this august?" I said still crying

He stayed silent

"I'm gonna go see Chris"

I left the room limping heading down the hall

**knock knock** I just walked in

"Hey Chris um look I need you to wake up for me, please I need you" I grabbed his hand and kissed it

"I miss you but I need you ok I need you to save me August is back and worse, please Chris please," I said crying

"I'm scared I don't know what he's gonna do to me or the kids and i had a boy he looks just like August" he wants me to name him August jr but I wanted to name him after you Chris you don't know it but you saved my life" I leaned over and kissed him softly Chris groaned softly before waking up

 "Chris?!" "Nurse he's awake"  The nurse came in and she told me I had to wait outside

I was walking down to my room when I saw August staring at me 

"Wh-" I was cut off by him grabbing my throat slamming me against the wall

"A-August i-i can't b-breathe," I said with a raspy voice

"I saw you kiss Chris you love him more than me now huh?" he said gripping harder

I couldn't answer that because I did love Chris but I still loved august even after everything he did to me

"P-please august s-stop," I said feeling my head spin

"You gon see who you love more now," he said smirking

 I felt my eyes getting heavy and I passed out..............

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