Chapter 2: Freedom or kill him

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"Kai, buddy, how are you?" Jayson smiled.

"I just spent 5 hours locked in a-hole-with-a-door without food or water. And my only contact with the outside world was with Soo-Khan when he fixed my face. So, I'm quite ecstatic!" I said in a sarcastic tone mimicking his facial expression. I was really starting to hate his condescending attitude. 

"Ah, well. I would've thought you learned your lesson by now. That slick tongue will only get you killed. But let's get to the point, shall we?"

"That would be lovely."

"Well ya' see, I'm the leader of the S.S. and the K.G.'s."

I reacted angrily to his statement. "When you visited me as my neighbor, you said you were in the accounting business. You lying piece of sh—" Jayson pulled out an AK 47 and pointed it towards my forehead. "What do you want from me?"

"A deal." He said simply.

"A deal with you please." I said as my eyes rolled. I saw Jayson pull out a bullet and put it into the gun without losing eye contact with me causing my anxiety to build up. I thought this man was crazy, but maybe I was the crazy one. I picked back up my speech to see through to his offer. "What kind of deal?"

"Join my gang."

"What if I say no—excuse me—hell no and walk out of here a free man?" Jayson began to laugh and so did the boys all except Soo-Khan at least.

Jayson stopped laughing to say,"Oh you won't be going anywhere...or at least...not with your legs." He pointed his gun towards my legs, and I began to slowly soak in reality. If I didn't join the gang, I was dead. If I joined the gang with my sarcasm, I was dead. It was a lose lose type of situation at hand, so I gave in.

"Fine...I'm in."

"Good, boy. Now take him to the room."

"Wait!" I yelled as they begin to walk away with me. I started to look dumbfounded realizing I was wasting my breath. 'Maybe if I was nicer, he would've given me food this time. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.'

As if he were reading my mind Soo-Khan whispered, "Don't worry this time I brought food."

I smiled as my stomach growled loudly.

From the room I could hear Jayson brawling with someone on the phone. I moved closer to the door leaning on it trying not to make too much noise since they did chain one of my legs to a black chair sitting in the middle of the room.

"Whatever. What the fuck do you want anyway, Choi?"

"Now that's no way to speak to your family, Jayson." Choi said.

"You ain't my family. My family would never betray me. Even when I was hurt, you stayed your lazy ass there and didn't even call me once. Some family you are!" He replied in anger.

"Still considering that sorry gang your family?"

"They are my family. The only family I got!"

"You never change, do you?"

"Again I say, what do you want?"

"Just a friendly little competition."

"What's the catch?"

"No catch. I just want to spend some family time with my baby brother. Is that so wrong?"


"Must you always curse?"

"Must you always lie and bring people into your bullshit world?"

"Fair point. I'll tell you all about it when you get here."

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