Chapter 9: The Reality of Dreams

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Boom! Crash! Pow!
"It's 4 o'clock in the morning, who the hell is up this early!?" I yelled demanding at least 4 more hours of sleep.
"That's it!" I got up ready to punch someone's face in. Not literally of course, but you might as well have said so. I was that angry, and maybe even angrier if it deemed possible. I hadn't had a good night's rest in 6 months, and it wasn't going to stay that way.

I walked into the kitchen where I'd heard the noise prior. It was quite now, a bit too quiet if you asked me. I looked around and found the offender. As well as I, he didn't seem too happy.
"Who was it though?"

"Logan." I specified.

The judge asked, "Would you point them out?"

I nodded pointing to the blonde haired man right across from me.

"Will the record reflect that the witness has identified the defendant?"

"Ah, one of our own. How do you know him?" 

"He's my ex boyfriend." I quietly stated trying to keep a smiling face.

Mr. Colton put his hand on his chin to judge rather than think. He obviously viewed Logan as my superior rather than an equal considering his high status and that of mine. It didn't take him a mere two seconds to prove my point either.

"I believe you're delusional." He finally stated.

"How so?"

"For the simple reason being, our detective would never consider you. I mean look at what you supposedly have to offer. You lying piece of sh—"

"Objection!" I heard a hefty voice call out not too far from I.

"On what grounds?"

"Forgive me for forgetting the title, but he's getting too emotionally involved and he's not allowed to curse out the witness." Logan responded looking slightly worried.

"Your honor—"

"Sustained; keep your emotions out of this case. Now proceed."

"Yes, your honor."

"Well, get to it."

Mr. Colton cleared his throat and once more had a disbelief for my statements. "Moving on," he started, "We already know you're a murder."

"Members of the jury, you are instructed to disregard that last statement. You're on your last straw, Mr. Colton!" The judge barked furiously.

"I'm sorry your honor, but it's true. He admitted—"

"That's it, fifteen minutes recess!" The judge banged her gavel while quietly grunting. As she walked out of the courtroom she screamed, "Mr. Colton, in my office now! You too Mr. Deniese!"

Mr. Colton and I started rambling on about how we both weren't supposed to be there and how it was all the other one's fault all without realizing the judge wasn't listening to either of us at all. She was simply waiting until we realized to stop talking to say, "What's going on in my court room today, gentlemen? I do say, what is this chaos?"

"Nothing." Colton spoke up.

"Nothing!? Is that all you have to say? The both of you, tell me now what these outbursts were!"

"Colton is going out with Logan to cover up the murder!" I spoke out covering my mouth second after.

"Murder? Do you know what you speak of, child!?"

"Well enough."

"Close the door." She demanded slightly squinting her eyes in frustration.

"Fine." Colton said doing as judge Smith had commanded.

"Well I do say I don't have all eternity, boy."

"Well you know all as well my mother was one who had to be taken down, correct?"

"Yes. Yes, now get to it!"

"Ah. Well, he claimed I also had to be taken down considering my inhuman abilities, so he paid Logan two hundred thousand dollars to kill me and 200 million to kill Jayson."

"Why didn't the fingerprints come up in the system?"

"Durable gloves and a hand gun."


"He had to use the gloves to withhold his fingerprints from being shown, and he put the hand gun into Jayson's hand to make it seem like a suicide. I knew it couldn't have been a suicide attempt. He would never consider leaving his people behind. Never." I finished with a tear coming down my check that I immediately wiped away.


I looked up.

"Dismissed." She repeated.

Colton and I both tried to leave but she said, "Not you Mr. Colton! You might as well get comfortable, because we're going to be here a while. Oh and you're going to need a lawyer."

"But I am a lawyer! I—" He complained.

"Not after this little shenanigan!" She yelled.

"You don't even have any evid—"

Judge Smith held up a file and two pictures that didn't settle well with me. She looked up to see me still standing in the door way. "Dismissed." She mouthed before continuing her conversation.

I finally got the hint, so I nodded and left. Though maybe I should've stayed because at 5 in the morning the next day, the police were banging on my door. I went to open it only to see cops barging into the place. Once I asked what was going on, attention started being paid. I think I would've liked it better when it was the other way around.

One of the cops grabbed my arms from behind, pushed me to the wall and told me, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be held against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult your lawyer and insure his presence at your interrogation. If you want a lawyer and can't afford one, one will be appointed to you. Do you understand each and every right that has been explained to you? Having all these rights in mind, do you wish to talk to me now?"

"Why are you doing this to me?" I cried through the pain.

The cops just laughed. Every last one of them laughed at my pain, at my presence, at me. I didn't know why they were there. They never even mentioned why I was being arrested. At one point I did think they weren't real cops and this was all a dream. God if I knew it was all real, maybe I could alter reality somehow or just stay in that courtroom a little longer. Maybe then I wouldn't be in this mess.

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