Chapter 11: Who Are We Really

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There I stood still not managing to get a word out. Logan had yet to react, and I didn't know whether that was good or bad thing so I had to be smart about it. I had to get to his emotions—his emotions for me. As I was lost in my thoughts, I didn't see Logan back up with his gun pointed towards me. He was going for the heart, but so was I.

"Why are you doing this, Logan? I thought you loved me. You fucking said you'd never hurt me again, and yet here we stand once more at each other's throats." I cried.

"I haven't hurt you. You-You hurt me! I put my fucking heart on the line and you stomped on it—you stomped it without hesitation, Kai! You-You don't understand what-what it's like. You won't ever understand!"

"Then make me understand because right now all I know is you're holding a gun to the only person who can help you."

"You can't help me. Nobody can help me!" He yelled.

"It doesn't have to be this way! We can pretend this never happened. It can be just like before back when we were younger. It can be just like the old days, Logan. You just have to put the gun down. Just put the gun down!"

Logan had tears running back and forth for at least a minute before he eventually put the gun on the ground. He came straight towards me with arms wide open, and when he reached me he just sobbed. I didn't know what I was thinking at the moment, but I found it necessary to invite Logan in. Not only into the house, but back into my life. He was right, I hadn't understood him or what he was going through. I wanted to change that—to help him. After we walked into the door, I found the old Logan I had dearly missed. We talked about life then fell asleep in each other's arms just like the old days.
Logan woke up in the middle of the night looking around. He realized what had simply happened a moment ago. It was old requited  love coming back for the win, but he didn't think he could handle it. He went to the kitchen, put his hands on his head, and tugged at his hair a bit. He then slightly smiled and let a tear come down his cheek. He tried not to be loud, but the more he thought about what he had just felt Kai, the louder he cried. This had awoken Kai.
I woke up to crying coming from the kitchen. My plan was to go in there and see Logan with his phone in hands watching a sad movie like he had done a thousand times before. I figured out I was wrong before even hitting the kitchen because I had noticed his phone on the table stand. When I got in there he had his back turned towards me. I whispered, "What are you up to, Logan?"

Logan responded, "I can't sleep."

"Oh, are you okay?"

"Yeah. You want some apple juice because I want some apple juice."

I faked a smiled. "Yeah, sure." I was still half asleep, so I rubbed my eyes as Logan came my way with a half full glass of apple juice.

"Here ya' go."

"Thanks." I sipped it and asked what he was really doing in there, because I knew it was something more than just not being able to sleep.

"You can still read me like a book." He said through broken laughter, "Well, I was just thinking."


He held his head down and let out a small sigh.

I put my two fingers under his chin to push it up a bit, "What do you mean? What's going on?"

"Well, your apple juice—"

"You poisoned me!?"

"What was I supposed to do!? You were getting too comfortable. I could've-I could've hurt you again, and you would just keep coming back just like you used to! You can't keep running back to things that hurt you. You have to move forward and move on. You never did realize that."

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