Chapter 4: Roses & Thorns

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I saw Soo-Khan in the hallway talking to Jamie and Tae, so I waited to approach him. He was all dressed up today, and I wanted to know what for. Not only that, but I also had the need to explain what happened the night before. I didn't know why at the time, but it felt necessary. "Hey." I said as I saw Jamie and Tae head the other way. "About last night—"

"King told me." Soo-Khan interrupted.

"He did?"

"Yeah, it's crazy how forgiving you are."

"Really? I stuck a knife in his forearm. I don't think that's too forgiving." I joked.

"Well I woulda' killed him, so I guess we're on two different pages."

"I guess you're right. I like your tattoo by the way."

"Oh, I can't believe you even noticed. I got it when I was sixteen."

"Really? It suits you."

"You think so?"

"Of course I do. It's a rose with thorns, right?"

"Yeah. It represents my life and what I went through to get to myself. People thought I was a great substitute for punching bags and therapists. I guess they just never realized I had issues of my own until I took a stand for me."

"I could see it in your eyes you had it rough from the moment we first crossed paths. You're a good person. You just have to chill. I mean you're in a gang, but you deserve the universe."'

Seeing the beam on Soo-Khan's face after that was enough to light up the entire house. As the room grew silent, shivers went down my spine. I always hated this feeling. It either urged me to keep my mouth shut, or say something. This was the type of silence that tried to pull the words out of my mouth even if they didn't make sense. I breathed as my heart started beating out of my chest and my stomach started to hurt. "So, where you going all dressed up?" I finally managed to ask.

"I'm going to meet a woman named Ezra with Nairo'peź."


"Well, it's for a mission. She has information we need to get. Why, you wanna come?"

"Yeah, count me in."

"We're here, guys. Remember get the info and leave. No in betweens, not even a little bit. This girl is crazy, so there's no telling what she might do."

"I think we get it, Khan."  Nairo'peź stated.

Soo-Khan knocked on the door and seconds later who I assumed to be Ezra opened it wide, smiled, then motioned us to come in.

We all walked into her house after Khan, and might I say it was a sight to see. I just had to give my appreciation aloud though. "Wow this is a nice house." I mumbled to myself.

"Did you say something?" She asked.

"No. Not a word."

"You must be Kai."

Boom! That was the first clue to get the hell out of there. The second was my eyes seeing Khan and Nairo'peź go to the car in a hurry. I had a feeling they must've already gotten the information, so I tried to finish off the conversation as quick as possible without seeming too rude. If this lady was crazy like Khan suggested, I didn't want to get on her bad side. "Uh yes, but I must be going now."

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