Chapter 8: 13th Time's A Charm

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I turned on the tv in hopes of finding something—anything to get the past few months of hell out of my brain. Even though I wanted something happy to distract my horrid thoughts, my curiosity got the best of me. Before I knew it, my numb fingers were pressing unknown buttons on the remote. About a minute and a half later, a woman was on the screen. Her dull, gray eyes and perfectly ironed pantsuit showed she didn't care too much for inconveniences. It also seemed like she wasn't the type of person you'd want to ask for a coffee after work with. Although observations were coming left and right, who she was or what she was talking about was still so unclear to me, so I unmuted the television hoping to find the answers to my questions. Much to my surprise I was watching the news, but that wasn't the only thing that grabbed my attention.

She began "Officials are on the lookout for a group of young adults, around ten of them, who they believe were in on the murder of Doctor Michael Phillips. Officials also say the body has yet to be found."

I hear this as clear as day, but I keep my composure even with our photos across the living room screen.
"You mean you don't go crazy when you hear this? You don't begin thoughts of killing...perhaps."

I grin at his sly remark, though I keep playing along. "No, the craziness is yet to begin. Please, sir, let me finish."
"In other news, Miranda Fedlox is being accused of impersonating Maria Golden and abusing seven year old Danny Golden. She left Thursday night with over 2 thousand dollars cash. Officials still don't have sight of her. If you know anything about the case, please call 555- NEWS."
Turning off the tv, I had more questions than I did answers. I was losing it. When I heard them say an abuser was taking advantage of a mere child for their own pleasure, all thoughts went straight toward my mo—Marie. That's when I knew I needed to get out of there. I had to find her. I had to...kill her, so I went out by myself leaving only a short note in replace of me. I knew exactly where to find her. After all those years, she was fairly the same. Hours later, I found Marie feasting upon her next victim. The gang called for me. I hesitantly yet surely declined. I wasn't going to let them in on my location just yet.

"Wait, what do you mean feasting upon her next victim?..Do you mean ca...cannibalism!?" He clears his throat. "You can't be serious."  Mr. Colton turns to the jury and goes, "He isn't serious."

A simple sigh of disappointment was the only thing I gave him as I continued the story.
"Hello, Marie, how are you?" I started not looking for an actual answer.

Marie looked down at the gun in my hand as she said, "Kai baby, what you gonna do with that gun? Are ya' gonna kill a person who've been nothing but good to you? You ain't gonna kill your mother, now are ya' ?"

"No." I smiled. "I'm gonna kill someone who feeds on the innocent."

"See, baby, you're not in your right mind. I can explain everything."

"Oh, that's great. Explain what happened to my brothers?..Did you shoot them too?"

"No, baby, I just want what's best for all of y'all." She said putting her hands in front of her chest.

"So, you try to kill me and not to mention get Michael to try to do the same. He's dead now. I had to put a hex on him, Marie. Then he got shot and—"

"See we can fix this. Just put down the gun, and everything goes away. Everything will be fine, I promise. Okay?..I love you. I love you." She repeated as fake sadness consumed her body. She never did show her true feelings, and now she never will.

I nervously giggled trying to hold the tears back, "I love you. No matter how much it hurts to say it, I do. You don't deserve it, but you will remain in my heart forever and always." I covered my eyes and I heard Marie running towards me, but I kept them shut and just said my last few words to her, "Thirteen kids and no love." Boom! I shot her, but that wasn't enough. I bent over her to ironically asked, "Thirteen time's a charm, huh ma'?" I got up to dial 911. Then, I left the phone beside Marie.

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