Chapter 3: Calming Screams

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As I took a couple more steps forward, I could see my house. It felt so long since I'd been there. I miss the way the wood would blister my frozen figures as I slid them across it in hopes of feeling better than the last time. I even miss the way the first brick would stomp my big toe to welcome me back. That place wasn't a house, it is and will always be my home.

"Here we go." I whispered hoping to calm myself. I took my last steps towards the house closing my eyes, so my feet could lead the way. "One. Two." and all the way to Sixty I went. Now at the door, I opened my eyes at the sound of fighting—No physical actions—Just arguing.

"Why are they fighting and in my house?" I whispered to myself putting my ear towards the window to try to understand what they were saying. I didn't want to intrude too much, but again it was my house. As I stood there listening in, I heard horrific things.

"How could you even consider that!?" The man yelled.

"We both know we're not ready. I mean what are we gonna do with a child? I have dreams, Jon, and those don't involve children!" She cried out.

You could hear the man lightly tapping his foot on the floor in probable annoyance. From only the first half of the conversation that I actually heard, I could infer that the Jon fellow wants to keep the baby while his lover was against it. It sounded like their disagreement on abortion was tearing them apart. Coming to those conclusions only made me more interested, so I kept listening.

"I love that child! And you're a 43 year old retired veteran that I treat like a queen. I cherish you, I trust you, and we have a damn good time together if I do say so myself. What more am you missing? What more could you want?"

"I want the screams to go away. I want your baby fever to go away, and I just want you to stop pressuring me to have a kid! It's my decision!"

"You mean like it was your decision to give our child away 23 years ago! The family that you gave him to were maniacs! I bet our precious baby is horrified of this world now. He doesn't even know that those so called parents didn't love him. We love him!..I love him."

"I—" She stopped as she looked out the window that I was standing by. She walked over towards the door and it soon opened right before me. With her head towards the sky, she stared me straight in the eyes. As we stood there in silence for what seemed like months, I took the time to admire her beauty. She was a dark brown lady around 5 foot 3 with luxurious, sandy brown hair and hazel brown eyes. Although you could easily tell by the bags under her eyes she'd been through hell, she had no sign of aging spots or wrinkles anywhere. I even took a look at her long, yellow dress that gave me an 80s vibe. She even had some yellow stilettos to match. Now my eyes went back up to hers as I saw her once smiling face turn into a frown.

"Who are you?" She finally asked as her partner walked up beside her.

"I'm Kai." I responded praying they weren't working for Jayson.

"Why are you—"

" I reckon you're the owner of this fine establishment." The man spoke up cutting the woman off. He smiled and pulled his hand out of his pocket waiting for me to shake it. I did, and he had a firm grip much like a military man. Now my eyes were on him. I didn't look directly into his eyes, but from the corner of mine I could tell his were dark brown. This light skinned man was wearing a black tank top with a pair of khaki slacks and black crocs.

"I am. And who might you all be?" I asked taking my hand back.

"I'm Jonathan and this is the lovely Karla Ray, my wife."

"As much as I want to continue this chat normally as if I didn't just hear you guys fight inside of my home, I can't. So, fess up. What were y'all doing in my house, and how did you even get in?"

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