Chapter 5: Why Me

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Third Person

Jayson smiled taking small breaths. He hadn't known Kai for long, but he was fond of him. He didn't even mean to bring Kai into his world, it just happened. "That's good to hear." He cleared his throat. He didn't want to sound like he cared too much. "What does it say?"

What does it say? What does it say? Soo-Khan didn't even think about opening the note. His first instinct was to call Jayson. 'Shit.' He opened it quickly and read it in his best Kai impression which he later realized didn't help the situation at all.

Dear Kai,

We're writing this as your parents—your friends—companions perhaps. I just want you to understand that although Marie has raised you, she's simply imitating the ability to gain and project love. She'll stop at nothing to make sure you're eliminated. You must get out of there now! Whoever else knows is also in danger. If it's possible, take them with you and don't look back—never look back. She has eyes everywhere, so watch your surroundings. You never know where she could end up. However if you must go back, the only way to stop her is by obtaining her soul. I know it sounds crazy, but if you don't she'll kill you.

"Karla Ray and Jonathan Deniese." Khan finished ending the voice out. He blinked twice making sure he wasn't missing anything. "Parents?" He whispered.

"Wait if they're his parents, then who the hell is Marie?"

"We gotta let the girls in on this. There's no way we'll figure this out alone."

"You're right on that one."

After two hours of impatience and preparation, Khan was ready. He gave Kai a quick half smile before heading out of the hospital. Khan got in the car and rode to the gang's place. He had to know what was up. He pulled up in front of the house like there wasn't a driveway he could've used. It didn't matter now. The car was already in park, so he just got out and went into the house. As he looked around, he saw everyone working so it seemed like the perfect time to ask about what they found out. "Any news on Kai's surroundings around the time we made it to his old house?"

"Not at the moment, no." Aronaj replied already frustrated.

"Ah." Khan said simply.

Nairo'peź looked over at Jeon-Ko who had now placed her hands on Aronaj's shoulders to comfort her. She turned her head back towards Soo-Khan with her arms folded to give him a splatter of sarcasm, "Well I mean, it's not like we can just go to all the people he talked to yesterday to see what happened."

Soo-Khan smiled and the gang appeared to be on the same page—all except Nairo'peź of course. "Exactly."

"Wait, What?"
The girls walked into the police station. It wasn't much of a look and the smell of coffee grains didn't help it at all. There were three officials. One of which all the girl's knew—Bill. The other two were simply there for guidance—or at least—that's what they assumed.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Bill said not looking up. He had his pen towards a piece of paper on a clipboard waiting for their answer.

"Bill, it's us—Nairo'peź, Jeon-Ko, and Aronaj— the fighters." That was one of the very few lies that were told to Bill by them. The girls had respect for this man, but they weren't about to blow their cover for him.

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