Chapter 3

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Third person's pov:

Jeongguk was never a talkative person. He was totally against the idea of being the CEO of his father's company. He knew Namjoon was perfect for it. But he had to. For his father.

He definitely didn't want to leave the dark and quiet corner in his room. But now that he was here because of his hyungs, his so called assistant wasn't helping that. He instantly knew that the brunette was an alpha. But he had to admit that he had an expectional stunning personality.

At first he really forgot that he was supposed to be the boss and not the other way around.

"Welcome little brother"

Jeongguk looked up upon hearing yoongi's voice.

He really didn't notice when he reached the conference room.

"Hey big brother"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked over for taehyung.

"Hey tae"

Taehyung's face lit up as he stepped forward and hugged Yoongi.

"Hey yooniee"

Taehyung teased him in jimin's squeaky voice. The elder smiled feeling a little flustered at the mention of his mate.

Yoongi side hugged taehyung. They all proceeded to take their seats. Jeongguk at the head chair with taehyung at his right and Namjoon at left side.

Jeongguk kept biting his lip, while unconsciously shaking his leg up and down. Taehyung looked up from the file he was casually checking. He saw the younger and subtly smiled to himself.

Nervous Jeongguk was quite cute.

Taehyung hesitantly patted his shoulder and the ceo's gaze turned to him.

"You worry too much. Relax, it's just an introduction"

Jeongguk closed his eyes and took a breath. Then nodded.

Knock knock

"Come in, please" Namjoon said sitting straight on his seat as the other employees started to join them.

"Good morning"

Namjoon nodded with smile.

"Morning Jaehyun. Jeongguk this is Jung Jaehyun, my best friend and manager of IT department"

Jeongguk politely smiled and took the others extented hand in a handshake with a brief "Jeon Jeongguk".


Jeongguk's head was spinning when all the other employees joined them and Namjoon introduced them all to the new CEO and vice versa.

He looked at taehyung who was smiling while chatting to some female employee. He's guessing her name was jane maybe. But he could careless.

Taehyung seemed pretty interested and active throughout the meeting while jeongguk was blinking his eyes mindlessly when all the names and faces were looking same to him.

He sighed shaking his head and stood up.

"Hyung, I'm heading to my office now. Can you please send a strong black coffee"

Yoongi chuckled nodding his head. He knew how much his little brother hates meeting new people.


That's all it took jeongguk to dash out of the room.

He mindlessly roamed in his office room since he had nothing special to do on his first day. So he opened every single drawer and all cupboards to pass his time.

"Knock knock.. Mr. Jeon?"

"Oh taehyung, please come in"

Taehyung came in with a smile, holding a coffee cup.

Jeongguk went to sit in his chair as taehyung came forward.

"Why did you just rush out of there.."

He said handing jeongguk the cup.

"So I need tell you everything I do now?"

The CEO asked squinting his eyes. But when taehyung slightly panicked, he chuckled shaking his head.

"Just kidding. Actually I was feeling dizzy in that environment. I don't like to talk much"

Taehyung released a small "ohh" and sat infront if the other.

"That's sad but hopefully that'll change soon. And since I'm here and talk a lot and I mean a lot, you'll eventually start responding more"

Taehyung said with a proud nod of his head.

Jeongguk softly chuckled as he took another sip.

"I definitely saw that earlier"

Taehyung smiled while shrugging. And they continued to chat, sometimes on their personal opinions and eventually discussing some business stuff.

That's true that taehyung loves talking and socializing. But oh god, did he hate all the mixed scents he was sniffing. At one point he almost puked on the lady beside him because of her own omega smell mixing with her deodrant. And believe him when he say that was horrible.

Hoseok soon came and took them on a full building tour. Both the alphas were exhausted when they reached back to the office.

They did take break for lunch and yes they both are alphas but the building was huge. And taehyung was already determined, not to go for it again any time soon.


Taehyung drove back home after bidding goodbyes to jeongguk and Hoseok. Namjoon was busy and yoongi wasn't here so he's guessing that Jimin would be definitely not available either.

He smiled thinking about his best friend and his mate. They look so cute and perfect for each other. And for a moment his mind wandered off..

How does it feel to have a destined mate beside you...

He shook the thought before he could think anymore. He used to believe that he was so lucky that he won't have a mate and he would choose on willingly. But as he grew up things changed.
After a few failed relationships and heartbreaks, he gave up. His first boyfriend Dan, he was sweet and all but... That's it. He wasn't meant for taehyung. And so did the three others.

It is definitely a gift to have your perfectly matched mate. That's what he believes now.

He reached his home and changed to his pj's after a warm shower. His scattered clothes from earlier were  back in his closet. He chuckled imagining Jin and Jimin doing that while cursing him.

The most precious thing in his life are his two annoying and obnoxious best friends. But they really deserve a noble award for coping with him.

His phone's screen lit up as he layed back on his bed.

It was his father. His smile flattered as he sighed. He opened the text with a roll of his eyes.

'Hope you had a good first day son. With love, dad'

"Dad.." He scoffed and turned his screen off.

He has a love-hate relationship with his father which is leaning more and more towards hate. And he don't even know the reason why.

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