Chapter 26

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(There's a little.. graphic? content ahead. You've been warned 🙃)

Third person's pov:

Taehyung saw from the corner of his eyes, his father talking to the man he didn't know before.

Minhyuk, however, later introduced the man as Kim Jongin, his private agent.

He sighed looking back down where Jeongguk was gently dressing his wound.

"I drank your blood, it will make the healing process faster"

The vampire said softly massaging through Jeongguk's hair. The younger hummed placing the last tape and pecked the bandage.

"There. Now even faster"

Taehyung chuckled shaking his head.

His smile subsided as his father approached them.

"She's been charged with attempted murder, abduction, possession of illegal drugs and.. murder"

The elder man said sitting across them on the couch. He messaged his temples in distress. The things Jongin informed him were a little too much to process for him.

"Murder? Did she really killed someone?"

Jimin asked coming up to sit beside his best friend. Both him and Jin were already there when they arrived back at Minhyuk's place. Worried for their mate- in Jimin's case- and best friend.


Minhyuk trailed off.

"They found.. Two corpses at her rundown apartment"

Jeongguk held his mate's hand as he felt him stiffen.

"Her mate- Lee Jonghyun and their son"

Jimin lightly gasped placing a hand on his mouth.


Jeongguk asked in disbelief.

"It isn't clear b-because of their condition, how they died. But she kept them in her room, apparently she was talking to them as the cops arrived"

Minhyuk said in small voice. It was apparent by his voice that the man would cry any moment.

"Mr. Kim-"

"It's all my fault"

He cut Jimin with a broken voice, a single tear falling down on his cheek.

Very surprisingly, the first person approach him was his son.

"It wasn't. Stop blaming yourself for everything"

Taehyung said in a soft tone, sitting beside him on the couch and held his father's hand. The older man looked at him with pained expression.

"I did this to her. I forced myself on her, she was young. She didn't deserve it"

"No one deserves it. I know she never deserved any of this. I can't defend you here, except for you were drunk and you did offer her to take care of me, together or not"

Minhyuk closed his eyes, more tears falling off and shook his head.

"I'll never forgive myself. I did this to her"

Taehyung just looked at his father, squeezing his hand assurigly. Not knowing how to console him. It hurt so much to see him cry like this.

Despite everything between them, he loves the older man. They are each other's only family after all.

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