4 ♡

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tw // death

3rd pov

"So wait, why doesn't she work a first or second shift job?" Cooper asked, sitting at the foot of Travis' bed. As Travis said, he explained to Cooper that his mom had a third shift job when they got back home from the pizza place.

"At the time of her getting the job she didn't really have a choice and we really needed the money. She's been working there since we moved here, so it's unlikely she'll get a new job."

"When did you guys move here?"

"Six years ago or so, or summer of 2013."

"Where'd you move from, and why? If you don't mind me asking," Cooper said smiling lightly at Travis. For whatever reason, Travis peaked Cooper's interest unlike everyone else.

"We moved from New Mexico after my dad passed. My mom decided to move here to be closer to her side of the family."

"Oh.. I'm so sorry dude," Cooper said as the guilt washed over him. He sat there feeling guilty for bringing up something like that.

"Nooo don't be. He was barely home anyways, he just kinda made the money and occasionally took my mom out for breakfast."

The pair spent the next few minutes talk back and forth about Travis' experience moving and such, until Cooper got a few frantic texts from his older brother.

After his phone went off a few times, he finally decided to pause the conversation and look at it. His expression immediately changed from happy and content to worried and disturbed.

"Hey Cooper are you o-"

"I have to go. Right now," Immediately he got up and started sprinting towards the door. Usually Travis would let something like the be, but this time he couldn't. Before Cooper got too far from him, Travis lightly grabbed his arm.

"What's going on? Are you okay??"

"Travis, I really fucking can't talk now. I have to go," And with that Cooper yanked away from Travis and proceeded to run out of the house. Travis wanted to chase after him and press the issue even further, but he decided it was in his best interest to stop.

He spent the rest of that night staring at the ceiling and waiting for a text from Cooper, but he got nothing.

Travis hated being alone.

He really hated being alone.

Carson went home after they left the pizza place, his mom passed out not too long after Carson left, and Cooper randomly left.

For a moment, he picked up his phone and opened Cooper's contact. For a moment, his thumb hovered over the call button. For a moment, he begged his body to stop being so anxious and just call him. For a moment, he realized that was a painfully stupid idea, and put his phone back down.

That Sunday was also pretty bleak. For the most part at least. Per usual, Travis was alone since his mom had work, and his friends were usually pretty busy. In his state of boredom, he decided to finish up his painting for his art class. He was nearly done with it, but he still had a few things here and there to work on.

He spent most of his day working on the painting and worrying about Cooper.

Around 10:30 he finally finished his painting for class. Since he still had some left over paint he sat down with a new, smaller canvas, and began painting pretty, little flowers.

In the midst of his midless painting, his phone started ringing. He took a quick second to read the name, only to see it was Cooper.


"C-can I please stay there...? I just.. I really.. I need somewhere to stay and I- I don't have anywhere else to go and Charlie's house doesn't have r-room and I can't... I can't fucking deal with this Travis," As Cooper voice trailed off, Travis could here small sobs from the other side of the phone.

"Oh- um.. Of course you can.. Do you need to be picked up..?"

"No... I can drive there... Thank you Travis, thank you so fucking much..." And just like that, the call was ended.

Travis sat in the living room waiting for Cooper to arrive. A few minutes later he heard a small knock at the door, and went to open it.

Travis stared at Cooper with worry in his eyes. He had never seen the other boy like this. His eyes were blood shot, his cheeks were red and puffy, and his hair was an absolute mess.

No words were exchanged. Just Cooper collapsing into Travis' arms and sobbing hysterically.

They just sat there, door wide open, Cooper in his arms.

Although Travis was getting cold, and would rather be sitting down or at least be in the house, he didn't rush anything. Instead, he said there, whispering sweet nothings into Cooper's ear. Things like 'It's gonna be okay.' and 'I'm here.'

They stayed in this position for another ten or so minutes until Travis felt Cooper start to shake even harder and said "Come on Coopie, let's get you inside."

Travis grabbed his hand and led him inside. Travis shut the door and grabbed Cooper's backpack from him. After setting Cooper's backpack on the floor, he led him to the sofa.

Cooper sat on the sofa holding Travis' hand as hard as he physically could. Travis rubbed circles into the top of Cooper's thumb, while silently humming to him.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He said softly, looking Cooper right in the eyes. Cooper said nothing, and instead pulled out his phone with his free hand, and pulled up an article. Once he handed the phone to Travis, he began reading the article.

'Lindsey Jackson, Mother of Two, Stabbed to Death by Husband."

The heading alone was enough to paint the picture for Travis. He said nothing, he just locked the phone and sat it down beside him, avoiding Cooper having to read the heading again.

Not many words were exchanged for the rest of the night. The night was spent with Travis holding a hysterical Cooper, and whispering little things here and there into his ear. Around an hour later, the sobs turned into soft snores. The two slept there that night, Cooper asleep in Travis' lap.

uh haha
i was like half way through the chapter when i got the idea to do this
also two updates in one day cus why not
hope yall are having a nice day :)

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