13 ♡

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Cooper's pov

I sat in my bed, exhausted. I was too tired to go to practice, to talk to Joko, to go skating, or even to smoke. I had no energy for anything.

At this point it had been a week since I got the note Travis wrote, needless to say I wasn't taking it too well. He went from at least smilimg at me in the halls to completely ignoring my existence.

I don't blame him though. I thought he hated me because of the letter he wrote, so I just ignored his small gestures in the halls. Unfortunately he began returning the favor.

I thought about just napping again, but I decided I was tired. Tired of not having Travis. I couldn't handle it. I grabbed my coat, my keys, and headed out the door. I walked out far too fast to hear Joko asking me where I was going.

I drove to his house at a dangerous pace. The smell of his perfume somehow still lingering. I couldn't take it. Everytime I took a breath I drove just a bit faster.

Needless to say, I was driving pretty fast.

Once I got there, I was met with an expensive car sitting in the driveway. Nobody I knew owned a car like that.

But then it hit me.

Wilbur did.

I raced up to the door, taking no time to knock or even prepare anything I was going to say.

"Hell- Oh, hi Cooper," Travis said, looking down at the ground.

"Um, hi.. Can I come in please, I really need to talk."

"Who's here Tra- Oh my god you again," I could hear his voice in the background, it angered me. I just wanted to push Travis out of the way and punch him straight in the face, but I couldn't.

Travis moved out of the way and shut the door behind me. Both of us came and sat down on the couch besides Wilbur, which wasn't ideal but it was better than nothing I guess.

"What do you need?" Travis asked, sounding rather sad about the whole ordeal.

"Listen, I'm gonna try to make this quick and get through the main points. So I didn't show up to dinner that night because my front tires got slashed by some dickhole and my phone was dead by time I got out of practice. Once I finally managed to get transportation and a phone charger I saw that you already left and I didn't wanna bother you further, so I was just gonna wait until I got to school the next day."

Travis just stared blankly at me, and for whatever reason Wilbur just looked angry.

"I didn't know that happened. I'm sorry..."

"It's okay. I don't blame you at all. I really want to talk about the letter though, it's fucked me up so much Travis."

He looked puzzled, like he didn't know what was going on. At this point Wilbur was getting antsy.


"The one Wil ga-"

"Don't listen to him Trav, you're wasting your time with him," Wilbur finally said after just silently sitting there.

"Wait, no. Cooper, continue please."

"The letter Wilbur gave me from you..?"

"I never wrote a letter? I stayed home that day with Carson... Wil, what is he talking about?"

"He's just lying, don't listen to him."

"I have it right here," I said, pulling the note out of my pocket.

Travis quickly grabbed it from me and began reading it, his face quickly going from confusion to anger.

"Wilbur, what the fuck is this??" He said throwing the note at him.


"Who wrote this?"

"Fine, Josh did. I had him write it so Cooper would finally leave you alone."

"You did WHAT??" He said, raising his voice into a yell at Wilbur. I have never seen Travis genuinely angry, it was truly a new experience.

"Travis please."

"No, I'm tired of this, all of this. I'm tired of relationships, and friendships, and everything else in between. Now you're pretending to be me just to fuck up my other shit? Why would you even do that Wil? I just want you to leave," He said, getting so worked up that it seemed he was going to start crying.

Wilbur just muttered out a small 'I'm sorry' before grabbing his jacket and heading out the door. Travis immediately ran upstairs.

At first I didn't follow behind, but I decided to afterwards.

"Trav... Can I come in?" I asked, knocking on the door lightly.

He didn't say anything. Nothing came from the other side except for light sniffling. Usually I'd go against this, but I opened the door and walked over to his bed.

"This.... This note ruined me, Cooper," He said, looking me dead in the eyes and holding up the note I wrote to him the first time we spoke. The note with my number on it.

"None of this even feels real. We became friends, your fucking mom died, you moved in, left, I asked you out, Wilbur joined the scene, we stopped talking, Wil and I started talking, then we stopped. Fuck dude I'm so tired," He stopped, talking a short breath before continuing on.

"This all feels like some tragic story, that I have the displeasure of leading. I can't think of a single good thing that has come from any of this. I miss just looking at you from afar in the halls, it was easier and less painful."

Then it truly sank in; I haven't done a single good thing for Travis. At the end of the day, he's suffered most. A loss for me is one thing, but he hasn't caught a break.

"I'm sorry. I wish I could fix this. Fix all of this, but I don't know how. I'm sorry, Travis. I really do love you so much, and I'm sorry I've ruined it with you."

"You didn't even ruin anything, Cooper. Everything's just been wrong place, wrong time. Like the night my dad went out. Had he gone out just five minutes later I'm sure he would've been fine. Everything's just been wrong."

"I know," It's all I knew to say. I knew he had much more to say, and I couldn't interrupt him. It was his time to finally let it out.

"I could've just stayed the shy, little, painter boy, but oh nooo I just had to fall in love with someone completely out of my league at the worst time physically possible. It's like the world wants this for me."

"I'm not out of your league. If anything, you're out of mine."

"What.. How..?"

"Well, everyone loves you, Travis. I don't know if you've been paying attention, but clearly you're very wanted. Plus, you're friends with everyone; nobody has any bad blood against you. You're the most amazing person I've ever met. I'm sorry I didn't take you the chance I had."

"My only real friend is Carson. I don't have friends, Cooper. If I did do you really think I'd care about this so much? If you weren't the only other thing I had I probably wouldn't be so bothered about it."

'If you weren't the only other thing I had.'

The sentence burned me. Genuine pain.

It stayed silent after that for a few minutes. He stared at the bed and I just looked at him.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Coopie."

"It's gonna be okay."

"I sure hope so," He said softly, before moving over to me and resting his head on my shoulder.

is this the end or is there more to come? who knows :)

Call me later, cutie. (cscoop x traves)Where stories live. Discover now