11 ♡

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3rd pov

After the boys exited the art room, they discussed meeting up after school. Per usual Cooper would have practice, so he'd meet up with Travis at one of the local diners later that night.

Travis had already texted Carson and asked for a ride to the diner later on in the evening, and Carson agreed.

The day went by rather quickly. Travis rode home with Carson and spent his night periodically taking naps so he wouldn't be tired when he went to diner.

As 6:30 rolled around, the boys got ready and got in the car. Cooper's practice had just ended, so he should've arrived soon.

"Fuck, I can't drive like this," Cooper said, as he got out to his car. One of the tires were slashed, but Cooper just thought it went flat on it's own.

"Ted, is your phone alive? Mine's dead and I need to call Travis."

"No, sorry dude. Do you need a ride home?"

"I guess not. I can't just leave my car here. Thank you though."

"Alright, see ya," Ted said, walking off into the other side of the parking lot.

Cooper eyed his car closely. He didn't get it, his tire was just fine that morning.

And on the other side of town, Travis sat alone. Waiting for what was nearly thirty minutes. It was a little over 7, and Cooper was still not heard from or seen.

It went from 7, to 7:30, to 8, to now 8:30 at night, and still nothing. It hit him eventually, Cooper wasn't showing up. He pulled out his phone and texted Carson, letting him know he needed a ride home.

At this point Cooper had just gotten his phone to turn on. He opened his phone to see some texts from both Travis and Joko.

Trav 🥰

are you almost here?


i'm still here if you got held up or something..

i have to leave now. hope you weren't planning on coming..


How's it going with trav?

When are you coming home?

"Shit.." He muttered to himself looking through the messages. He didn't realize Travis would wait for him, he thought Travis wouldn't show up until he texted.

He quickly called Joko and asked him to bring up one of his spare tires. While waiting for Joko, he called Travis a few times, but it immediately went to voicemail.

"Can I have my phone back, Carson?"

"No, I don't want you texting Cooper."

"But.. Maybe-"

"Nope. I'm tired of his shit, and I'm tired of you dealing with it. Hell, I'd rather you be with Wil. At least he's trying to not be a total shitbag."

"Cooper isn't like that though.. I'm sure something happened."

"Well either way I don't care. We're going back to my house and eating a bunch of ice cream, okay?"

"Hm. Sounds good to me."

The two walked into Carson's house to see nobody was home, which was odd considering the time. They paid no mind and immediately walked over to the freezer, and grabbed a carton of ice cream and a couple spoons.

Call me later, cutie. (cscoop x traves)Where stories live. Discover now