7 ♡

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tw: slurs

3rd pov

The next few days were pretty rough for Travis. He understood why Cooper said no, but it still hurt. He pretty much avoided Cooper at every cost, he didn't want to talk or to get any sort of explanation for it, he just wanted it to go away.

Cooper on the other hand was doing pretty rough too. All he wanted was to talk to Travis, to tell Travis how much he loved him and that it wasn't his fault, to let him know he wants him more than anything but just needs time.

Unfortunately Travis wasn't going to let that happen. He ignored all of Cooper's texts, declined his calls, walked away from him in the halls, pretended he wasn't there. He even started eating lunch in the art room so Cooper couldn't find him. He tended to skip class to attempt talking to Travis and he just wanted to be left alone.

Finally on Friday, Cooper just decided to leave him alone. Despite how desperate he was to fix everything, to talk to Travis, it wasn't going to work. After Cooper's last class he started walking to his locker when Wilbur and Jawsh stopped him in the hall.

"Hey Coop, got a sec?"

"I guess. What do you want Wil?"

"Well Jawsh and I were wondering if you'd let us come over and chill tonight."

"And you can't do this at your own house for what re-"

"We have weed, alright man? My house is a shit show and Wil's mom keeps flirting with me," Jawsh interrupted Cooper, just wanted him to say yes.

"Fine, but don't be assholes," He said with a stern look on his face. He knew Wilbur and Jawsh could be quite the duo when they were together, especially when they were high.

"Deal. Can we ride with you?"

"Yeah. whatever."

The three headed to Cooper's locker and then outside. The ride to his house was short like it usually was, but slightly painful for Cooper as he could still smell the perfume Travis wore.

And yes, Travis wore perfume. He thought it smelled way better than cologne. Smelling like coconuts or strawberries and cream seemed much nicer than smelling like dirty boy.

Soon the boys made it bad to Cooper's brother's house, or Joko's house. They made it inside to see that Joko wasn't there, which was kind of odd for Cooper, but he didn't question it.

The boys made it to Cooper's room and almost immediately Wilbur pulled out a joint and one of his lighters.

"Dude chill the fuck out, we've been here for like two whole minutes."

"I just wanna get high man. You can have the first hit if you want."

Although Cooper wanted to object, he also really wanted to get high and forget about Travis, so he sighed and grabbed the joint from Wil.

Over the next couple of hours, maybe, they lost track of time, the boys completely hotboxed Cooper's room. Smoke everywhere, filling all of their lungs with everything breath they took.

While they were laughing over some nonsense a small knock was put upon the door. One of the boys muttered 'Come in' and the door slowly opened.

"Hey Co- Oh my god," Travis said as he got hit in the face with a gust of smoke. Cooper's eyes almost popped out of his head as he saw the boy stand at the door.

"Come on in, Trav. Come sit with us, and close the door," Said Jawsh patting the blanket between him and Wil.

"Oh,, uh,, sure," He said hesitantly, walking inside and shutting the door behind him. He said in the middle of the two boys and looked over at Cooper with concern.

"Wanna hit Trav, you seem like the smoker type."

"Oh, no thank you Wil.."

"Your loss I guess. Also, I have a question for you," He said with a slight smirk on his face. He inched closer to Travis before speaking again.

"So I've heard you're a bit of a faggot. Is that true?"

"I'm sorry...?"

"I said I've heard you're a bit of a faggot, pretty boy."

"Wilbur st-"

"Shut it Cooper. Do you like dick or not, kid? Simple question."

"I um... I guess,,," At this point Wilbur was just inches away from him, Cooper just watching, not knowing what to say.

"Me too, cutie. Maybe we should hangout sometime, I've been told I'm a pretty good fuck you know."

"Wilbur shut the fuck up."

"Come on Cooper, let me have some fun. So do we have a deal or not?"

"I don't know...." Travis sat there leaning on Jawsh, who was off in his own world at that point.

"I'm just playing, kid. You really think I'm a faggot like you. Not even Cooper is and he's the gayest kid I know. It's sad, really. The gayest football player out there wouldn't even date you. You really are just a pathetic, pretty boy, Travis."

"Wilbur," Said Cooper in a serious tone. He was going to get up but Jawsh stopped him.

"Let's face it, kid. You're unloveable. I suggest just going back to where you originally came from, you know you don't belong here."

"Wilbur I swear to fucking god- That's not true Travis, none of that is true."

"It really is though. I think I should get home," He said getting up and walking out the door. He said a quick goodbye to Joko, walked outside, and called Carson.

"Can you come get me please...?"

"Yeah of course, how'd it go?"

"Got told I'm an unloveable faggot, so nothing new was added to the situation."

"You what? Cooper said what, now?"

"I'll explain when you get here. But no, he wasn't the one who said it."

And just like that, he hung up the phone and put it back in his pocket. All of him wanted to cry, but he just didn't have the energy for it.

Carson nearly raced there and picked Travis up. On the way back to his house Travis explained everything and Carson was furious.

"So you're telling me you took this motherfucker in and he lets his friends treat you like this??"

"It is what it is, Carson. Don't worry about it."

"Dude, you gave him a place to stay when his fucking mom died and he was literally broken and he let's this shit happen. God, I knew I should've never agreed with Charlie."

"Agreed with Charlie? About what?"

"He thought you two would make a good couple so I helped set up the bowling alley thing and then this shit happens. I'm sorry Travis, this isn't how it was supposed to go."

"It's okay man, it's not your fault. Thank you for trying to get me a boyfriend."

The rest of the car ride was pretty silent, and nothing was silent when Carson and Travis were together. I guess not every story ends out with a happy ending.

The end





Jk lol

stuff is gonna get better soon i swear
also coop and trav singing "all i want for christmas is you" together shined a light in my life, i love them so much :((

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