7. Kaname?

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A week has past by since I first started my lessons. Surrounded by more people then I could imagine. However I feel lonelier then ever. As I walk through the halls of the school I bump into people as I pass them. The more days that pass I only feel lonelier and lonelier.

I've tried many time to get Zero to talk to me. He refuses to even look at me. I know its against the rules and breaking curfew but every night I find myself sneaking out from my window. Climbing down the tree I land on the ground. I pull my hood up over my pink hair and walk in silence with my hands in my hoodie pocket.

I arrive at the fountain and my body collapses to lean on the stone. I gaze at my reflection in the water. "Couldn't sleep again?"

I stare at his reflection in the water. His crimson eyes show curiosity. I turn around and face him. "Kaname....You should be in class..." I whisper in a quiet voice.

"Then you Samantha should be in your room asleep." He sits beside me on the fountain and reaches a hand out to tuck my pink hair behind my ears. "I have come quite fond of our evening talks..." he whispers.

"Your the only one I feel comfortable to talk to..." I whisper as I lean my head against his shoulder. "All day long I feel so lonely...." I whisper out. "I hate the day....It's so bright and cheerful...I want to live my life in the dark...."

"Will you ever tell me what stained your heart with this blackness?"

I take a deep breath and meet his gaze. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you..."

"Try me...."

I close my eyes and the horrifying image of the vampire drinking my families blood makes my body shiver.. "Not tonight..." I whisper.

Kaname feels my shiver and wraps an arm around me. "You should return to your room...."

"I don't wish to go back and be alone...The nightmares will come again."

"Come with me then...." He stands up and offers me his hand.

"Where are we going?" I ask confused.

"The moon dorm..." I stare at him in shock. "You wish to not be alone right?" He brushes my hair from my face. "But you must go to sleep Samantha...let me watch over you tonight...." He whispers to me. He sees the hesitation in my eyes. "I won't try anything....I promise." I nod my head and he takes my hand in his and we walk towards the moon dorm in silence.


Entering the moon dorm Kaname leads me up the flight of stairs and to his bedroom. I freeze but a moment later I let him lead me through the doors. I look around the room and it is big and spacious. He has a king sized bed against the one wall along with a couch and coffee table. Still holding my hand he leads me to the massive bed.

"Sleep here..." He speaks calmly to me. He pulls back the blankets and I crawl in.

"What about you?" I ask.

"I am fine...remember I am in the night class. I am in classes at this time of night." He combs his hand through my hair. "Sleep Samantha..." He whispers. As my eyes start to close I feel something soft against my forehead. Did Kaname just kiss me? I find myself wondering as I drift off to sleep.


I wake up and sit straight up in the bed. My breathing is heavy and I can't stop the shaking from my nightmare. I glance around the room and Kaname is no where to be found. Laying back down I close my eyes when I am met with a beautiful sound.

Sitting up I look to see the bedroom door slightly opened. I pull the covers off and stand from the bed. Walking forward I open the door and take a peak into the hallway. I see no one else and taking a breath to steady my thoughts. Then I follow the beautiful sound.

I make it to a room where the door is cracked opened. Opening it quietly I see Kaname playing the piano, The moonlight shines on him through the window and I am mesmerized.

His playing stops and he turns his gaze to me. "Please don't stop.....It's so beautiful" I whisper.

He smiles at me. "Sit with me then." Standing up he offers me his hand. "Let me play just for you Samantha....." I walk over to him and place my hand in his. He sits me down beside him on the bench and starts playing again. I watch as his fingers glide across the piano keys. My gaze raises and falls onto his face. He is looking at the piano, He is so handsome....His crimson eyes meet mine for a moment as he turns back to the piano, with a new smile on his face.

"Your amazing..." I whisper out.

"This is nothing...." He speaks calmly as he continues to play for me.

I find my eyes closing as I listen to the beautiful melody. In the day class I am so alone. I have Yuki yes...but her mind is always on other things. There is Trish and Mia...but they seem more interested in talking about the Night Class. My mind goes to Zero...The only true one who knows my pain. I am attracted to him, but he pushes me away refusing to get close to me.

And then there is.... My eyes opened to look at Kaname. He is perfect, a Gentleman, Handsome...and most importantly, He wishes to get to know me.

Kaname finishes playing his song and I find myself asking quietly. "How does one join the night class?"

"Why?" He looks at me.

"I feel so at peace here with you..."

"Do you really wish to know?" Kaname asks me as his crimson eyes gaze into my pink ones.

"Yes." I whisper.

"You wish to join us in the night class?" He asks again leaning in closer to me.

"Yes. What do I have to do?" My gaze can't leave his crimson eyes. "I heard no day class student is allowed to switch."

"That is true..." He whispers. "Unless I allow it...How badly do you wish to join us..."

I gaze at him. "I would do anything...." I find myself whispering out. It would pain to be away from Zero...but he is the one who keeps telling me to stay far away from him. So if I join the night class he would never have to see me again... "What must I do?" I ask Kaname.

"Its simple really...." His eyes gaze into mine. "Close your eyes...." I do as he says and I feel his hand push my long pink hair away from my neck.

"Kaname?" I whisper as my heart starts to race.

"I will let you join us if that is your wish." His hot breath hits my skin. His lips brush softly against my neck when a clicking noise sounds from behind Kaname.

"Let go of her...." That voice...I look up wide eyed to see an angry Zero holding a silver gun at Kaname's head. "Samantha....." He holds his hand out to me. "You can't be here...Come with me..." Zero grabs me and pulls me far from Kaname.

"Zero..." Kaname laughs. "I did nothing wrong....Your the one who drove the poor girl into my arms...She wants to willingly join the night class..."

"That is because she does not know the truth!" Zero spits out as he guides me out of the room.

"She will come back to me Kiryu!" I hear Kaname call out as Zero pulls me from the moon dorm. With the gun still held tightly in his hand.

Then in the distance I hear Kaname start to play the piano once more.


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