•Chapter 3•

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"The real question is what did I do to you?" The ethereal 'Connor Murphey' spoke in a humorous tone, Evan couldn't help but stare in disbelief.

"C-Connor?" His heart had reached a new speed, for seemingly many reasons.

"I mean you are crying yet you hardly know me. You probably-sorry, anyway how's life," Connor nonchalantly asked, his hand itching his neck just to look calm.

"L-Life? Y-You shouldn't have one?! What the hell is going on?!?" Evan hunched over and gripped his hair, "I'm going crazy, w-what do I do? Why are you here!!!"

"Whoa Ev! Calm down, you look like you're going to-" Connor held his hands up in alarm, his eyes peeking at the orange prescription bottles, "I didn't mean to almost trigger a panic attack dude! I just wanted to see you,"


"Ah shit," Connor hid his blushing face in his hand, "I'm a lonely ghost Ev, that's all. Seeing your freak-ass is what I needed,"

Evan looked at Connor and felt an involuntary smile begin to form, 'I have a friend'.

The sound of a notification from his computer sidetracked Evan, who grabbed the laptop and placed it on his lap. Alana was going ti twitter about connor, that was somewhat expected. Minimizing twitter Ev saw Jared's name on the messaging notification and sighed.

"Who is it?" Connor inquired floating over the computer, Evan couldn't see through the mop of brown hair and tried blowing Connor away. He chucked and just laid beside the shaking boy at the laptop typing away to Jared Kleinman.

'I still can't believe the only thing Connor's parents have of their son is a sex letter to yourself!' Evan visibly cringed and he proceeded to hunch back into a slouch. He didn't even respond, how could he after Jared proudly claimed that Evan and Connor weren't friends.

Alana tweeted:
I hope that Connor is in all of our hearts.

"Is he bothering you?" Connor pointed at the words with disgust in his voice. Evan bit his lip nervously and shook his head.

'Why am I lying to him??'

Alana tweeted:
We weren't friends, but acquaintances! He was truly a kind boy.

"Your parents have my letter, the one you took. They think it was your suicide note, and they want me to come to dinner," Evan looked down and held his head dejectedly in his hands.

"S-Suicide note? Those are cliché why would they think I wrote one," Connor rambled on, he heard a sniffle from beside him and noticed Evan hadn't moved yet he was shaking more.

'We weren't friends... what was I thinking'

Alana tweeted:
Its such a shame his life was claimed by suicide

Connor convinced Evan to go to dinner, if not for his parents sake, his own. It was an uncomfortable event that triggered his anxiety like nothing else.

Fidgeting with his fork, the pale boy refused to make eye contact with anyone but Connor, who stood across the room with a dead look on his face.

"Do you not like the food Evan?" Cynthia, Connor's mother, asked with a look of only concern.

"N-No ma'am it's wonderful, I'm just... I'm just thinking,"

"Of Connor?"

"Yes... I miss him dearly," Evan spoke softly in short bursts, mumbling incoherent words before and after his sentence.

The table was brought back to a state of heavy, uncomfortable silence. The only thing keeping Evan sane was Connor's soft eyes every time he would catch him staring. He could get lost like that forever, but why does it make him so flustered? Maybe cause Zoe is here? But this is more flustering than Zoe usually makes him feel...

"I don't even know why you're here. I saw my brother be a dick to you-"


"What it's true!" The brunette teen shouted, "Connor was an asshole to everyone, I doubt he and Evan were really friends!"

"We were friends!" Evan exclaimed involuntarily, "W-We hung out all the time, seriously. W-We would go to the park together,"

Connor, raising an eyebrow, listened intently as Evan described a scenario where they would go to the old abandoned orchard and climb trees. In this scenario particularly Evan broke his arm and he rescued him, Connor rescued him. And everything was okay...

"Why did you say that? All the stuff that never happened?" Connor rubbed the bridge of his nose annoyed.


Evan watched as Connor approached him slowly. He grabbed his cast and got real close to Evan's face, the dusty-brunette boy felt the blood rush to his face as Connor looked him dead in the eye.

"Why did you say all that Ev?"

"I-I was just saying what I wished we did before you died,"

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