•Chapter 7•

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Later the same night Connor and Evan lay together in bed, talking. Evan loved talking to him, getting to know his friend better. He learned so much about Connor, his interests in Marvel, his favourite bands, typical things. But he needed to know something itching at him deep inside.

"Connor, do you... Do you regret killing yourself," Evan asks hesitantly. Connor sits up and looks at Ev, who does the same.

"Yes... No, it's complicated." Connor leans his head against the wall, "Now that I'm dead I'm better if that makes any sense, I'm not depressed or anxious anymore. And I don't get unreasonably angry and want to be angry at my family. They aren't a perfect family, but they didn't deserve what I put them through. Especially Zoe and mom. I was awful Evan,"

"What? No, Connor you were sick is all. You needed help and couldn't get any, but that's okay now... at least now you have a friend who you can tell these things to," Evan explains, trying to hold Connor's hand-before immediately putting it back and apologizing. Con laughs.

"I wish I had you when I was alive Ev, I had no one to talk to. Hell no one knew I was gay when I was alive because who could I tell? I could probably tell your buddy Michael-God there were so many people I could have met who would have helped me." Connor sighs, "I don't know how I feel... I wish I could do it all again,"

Evan argues with himself on how to react, but without thinking too hard leans his head on Connor. (As best as he could lean on a ghost.)

"It's okay Connor I know how you feel,"

"Please don't do what I did Evan, please." Connor says looking Evan in the eyes, who blushes and nods.

The weekend rolled around, and it's time for Ev to hang out with Michael. He dresses in a blue sweater and looks to Connor for fashion-approval.

"Looking good Evan," Connor says flashing a playful wink, to which Evan blushes and looks away stifling a giggle like a schoolgirl. "I want you to have fun with Michael okay?"

"I will Connor don't worry!" He replies and goes to leave the house, seeing a red PT Cruiser in the driveway and a dorky boy waving from inside.

Evan gets in the car and sees Michael put down his phone, Ev notices Michael kissing the cheek of a boy with brown curly hair and smiles. Michael begins to drive to an unknown destination leaving the two to talk.

"Where are we going?" Evan asks.

"Oh, the park. I thought it would be nice," Michael replies and occasionally looks to the boy in the passenger seat as he drove. "So how are you holding up?"

He doesn't answer, but Michael doesn't pry. They make it to the park and stroll through together.

"So Michael, who is the boy you're kissing on your lockscreen hmm?" Evan asks cheekily, Michael's cheeks flush as red as his signature hoodie but he stands tall.

"My player 2! My Jeremy, the one I wanted you to meet, but you both have anxiety so I understand." Michael says with pride, Ev laughs but looks down.

"Can I answer your question? About how I was holding up that is." The anxious boy asks.

"Yeah of course dude,"

"I'm confused Michael." Evan confesses. Michael tilts his head and gestures him to continue, "I have a friend that... I'm not bisexual-I think but, I think I love-I don't know..."

"Ah you're a confused boy huh?" Michael says with a smile. "Well explain how you feel to me,"

"We talk all the time and he makes me laugh and feel-he makes me feel special and that I want to hug him all the time. I always want to hug him, I think I want to kiss him. I fantasize on what our future could be, if I could marry him, I thought I liked his sister but I love him. God I think I answered my own question..." Evan rambles and his face flushes red.

"You're head over heels dude, who's the lucky guy?" Michael asks with a smile, seeing Evan look down and away he realizes, "oh, oh Evan I'm so sorry... I didn't know you lost so much so fast,"

Laying in bed looking at the ceiling Evan had a lot to contemplate. The ghost asleep beside him, Evan wanted him to know. But at least he could confess his feelings to himself, that was half the battle.

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