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It was the night Connor killed himself....

And maybe Evan could stop it.

Without hesitation, and honestly without thinking Evan ran out of his room and out the door. His mother whom had just returned home from work looked at him concerned and called for him, but he just kept running.

'Connor could be alive! We could have a happy life' Evan thought hopefully, the grim thoughts pushing through, 'if he hasn't already killed himself'

Despite the darkness, Evan knew his way to the Murphy's home by memory. Using the last of his stamina he reached the door and banged on it desperately. Cynthia answered, a looked of almost horror and confusion-she didn't know who Evan was yet.

"P-Please," Evan begged trying to push passed her, Larry and Zoey come into view both of them concerned.

"Evan Hansen?" Zoe inquired suspiciously, her dad shoots her a look and says something along the lines of 'you know this kid?'

"I have to get in! I have to get to Connor-" Evan panics, out of breath almost forcing his way inside. He was desperate to save Connor before it was too late.

"Connor is at the park, w-who are you?" Cynthia's words stop Evan in his tracks, he holds his head and yells.

"I don't have time for this-it's not important who I am-c-call the police, call the ambulance and have them go to the park!" Evan doesn't wait for them to respond and only starts making his way hastily to the park that he worked at as a ranger.

'He already took the pills, god I'm running out of time!' Evan's eyes start filling with tears as he looked to his casted arm, Connor's name was a fresh black written that afternoon not faded like it had become. He had to keep pushing his body to its limit or else this would all be in vain.

Evan turned into the park entrance, climbing sloppily over the gate to get to him. It was getting darker, Evan resorted to calling out Connor's name once he noticed the boy was nowhere to be found.

"C-Connor! Connor please answer me! I-I can help you we can get you help!" Evan stopped hollering and began to cry, "I can't lose you this time"

Hearing shuffling leaves Evan saw the hooded brunette settling beside a tree in the distance. Feeling sudden hope, with a burst of energy he was at his side.

"E-Evan?" Connor asked his breathing shallow.

"Connor you're alive!" Evan began to cry tears of joy, Con looked at him with a look of confusion.

"I don't get it-why are you here?" Connor's voice becoming raspy and his eyes slowly closing.

"Hey! Stay with me-I'm here to save you," Evan face turns from excitement to pure anxiety as he realized Connor is losing consciousness.

"Save me? Why?" Connor laughed, taking the statement as if it were a cruel joke.

"Because I love you..." Evan said smiling with tears in his eyes. Connor furrowed his eyebrows his eyes becoming more shut.

"Re-Repeat that Ev..." He says in a whisper,

"I love you Connor."

Those words were that last Connor had heard before passing out with a soft smile on his face. Faded sirens blaring in the background.

The bright light hit Connor's eyes causing him to groan, the blinking and the machines around him left him disoriented. Connor was alive in the hospital.

Evan's tired eyes went from his phone to Connor doing a double take before a large grin took over. With a gasp Connor's body was engulfed in a tight hug and a sudden kiss, the hospitalized boy sat confused but kissed back happily.

"I-I'm sorry I just couldn't help myse-" Evan was cut off with another hug from Connor.

"It's alright Ev..." Connor used his time to take in Evan's features. His eyes were sunken and exhausted and his face was red as if he was always crying, Connor's eyes welled up with tears as he realized Evan did this all for him.

"I love you Evan... thank you for saving me" Connor says with a smile, to which Evan replies with another kiss.

Once Connor was out of the hospital Evan kept the ghost and the fact he got a do-over to himself, taking it as a hidden blessing.

He rebuilt everything that happened in the time, he met Michael again and Jeremy officially finally taking the time to hang out with them instead of avoidance. Jared's relationship and Evan's didn't change much although the gay jokes were 'hilarious' and common from the family friend.

Evan and Connor were able to let their relationship bloom in this reality and tonight was going to be great.

"So what's your plans tonight?" Michael asked pulling up to Evan who was dressed for a formal occasion. Evan smiled and got into the backseat of Michael's car, Jeremy in the passenger.

"Connor and I are moving in together soon, so we're having dinner with his family tonight. I thought I'd look nice for the occasion!" Evan blushed at the thought of him and Connor being together.

"Oh dude! I'm happy for you, that will be so fun!" Jeremy turned around in his seat to congratulate him.

"So is that where we're headed?" Michael asked and Evan nodded as they proceeded to drive down the road having a casual conversation until they dropped him off at the end. "See you later bro!"

Evan waved as he walked nervously up the path, he hasn't officially had dinner with the family yet; although Cynthia had invited him numerous times as thank you for convincing Connor to go to rehab and therapy. Knocking on the door Zoey answered with a hug, Connor's changed ways and Evan being around all the time, in this timeline Zoey is more like a sister to Evan now.

"You ready for dinner?" Zoey inquired with a smirk. Evan looked at her nervously and smiled.

"Sure?" He answered as if it were a question, she was planning something...

The family all sat down together looking at Evan expectantly, who just smiled anxiously. Connor was quiet with a nervous expression, he looked like he was in deep thought. Evan couldn't deny that his boyfriend looked hella good in a tuxedo though.... oh great now Evan feels a little underdressed.

They all ate, Evan's movements were hesitant and Connor still focused on something else. It made Evan nervous for the worst. Connor rested his hands on the table looking at peace as he smiled to Evan. He stood up and held Evan's hand.

"C-Can we go to the backyard please?" Connor asked almost in a shy way. Evan nodded feeling at ease, joining Connor as they walked through the backdoor of the house.

It was astounding! Golden lights and lanterns littered the walls and fences, the stones of the patio covered in rose petals. Evan giggled and turned to his Connor.

"What's all this-" Evan's words were cut off as Connor held out a black box. Looking to Evan he smiled nervously.

"Evan I-oh shit," Connor cuts himself off and corrects himself by kneeling to him. He laughs off his nervousness, tears already in Ev's eyes, "Evan I know we're fresh out of high-school, young and dumb among other things... but you saved me and I realize I want to be with you forever. W-Will you let me be your husband-er Will you marry me?"

"Yes Connor of course!" Evan wiped his tears and Connor hugged him tightly, a stupid grin on both of their faces.

"I love you Evan"

"I love you too Connor... " Evan nuzzled into Connor's neck with a relaxed expression, "Thank you for saving me..."

———— Author's note! ————
Thank you for reading Misguided ghosts, I love this story to bits and truly wanted to see someone make a Treebros fic (that wasn't a one-shot) where Connor had died. And also apologies if this chapter is too long and chaotic! I'm not in a good place mentally and writing was keeping me from overthinking. I hope you all enjoyed my story and tune in for future writings!

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