•Chapter 5•

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Dear Evan Hansen,

Evan watched Jared start the email like he does his own letters, god those dumb letters. Connor rests his cold dead hands upon Ev's head and watched with bewilderment swimming in his eyes. Evan looked at the words that appeared on the computer, reading each in Con's voice.

But I should tell you that I think of you each night.


I rub my nipples


And start  m o a n i n g  in  d e l i g h t!


"Jared, wh-why would you wr-write that???" Evan slammed his hand on the 'backspace' key until those words and the mental image left his mind. Jared however, proceeds to laugh his ass off.

"Oh come on! I'm just trying to tell the truth!" Jared defends himself with a joking tone, Evan having none of it. The anxious boy even looks to Connor for help but he looks away the moment the two lock eyes.

"This needs to prove we were actually friends-"

"Which you weren't,"

"I-It's not even realistic," Evan says with a blush dusting his cheeks.

"There's nothing unrealistic about the love one man feel for another!" Jared says with a serious tone, but his words felt dishonest and still full of his careless humour.

"Just let me write it..." Evan pouts and grabs the laptop.

The email-related hijinks continues on for the better half of an hour, a few emails fully completed and set aside for Connor's parents to read.

That night something seemed wrong,
'what' though was the question. Evan sat on his bed, as Connor's ghostly body 'lay' (if he could) against Ev's crossed legs.

Heidi cautiously opened the door seeing Evan lying on his bed lost in thought, she smiled and walked over to him giving him a hug. Evan seemed a little uncomfortable and let it happen, causing Connor to attentively watch their interaction.

"Thank you for going to school today, and I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up... I was working a friend's shift again." Heidi explained herself with a readable sadness in her eyes.

"It's fine mom, I walked home..." Evan responded hugging her back with a seemingly emotionless expression.

"Well okay," Heidi's smile drops as her phone buzzes in her pocket, she looks at the text and audibly sighs, "I got to go back to work, I'll see you in a bit-Oh I'll leave money on the table for dinner. I love you sweetie,"

And like that she left, leaving a boy and his ghost alone.

The next day at school Evan avoided Zoe and Jared, hell even Alana. Something in his stomach just didn't feel right talking to anyone. He just went from class to class with his head down low, Connor was silent the whole time. The day was going as solitary as he wanted it to, until he bumped into red.

"Oh, Evan! Hehe, always bumping into me huh?" Michael said with enthusiasm, putting his headphones around his neck.

"H-Hi Michael," Evan's response was full of anxiety, he forgot another person he talks to. This time, however, his stomach didn't feel any discomfort.

"Why weren't you at lunch yesterday? Did you not want to sit with me and my buddy?" Michael inquired.


"Oh! Uh... that, yeah.. I, uh...."

"Tell him that you have anxiety Evan, that new people scare you," Connor buts in, wrapping his arms around Evan's shoulders from behind, "it's the truth."

"I have s-severe social anxiety I can't-I don't like new people... I MEAN! I do like new people! I like talking to you and I'd definitely like your friend, in a friend way, it's hard for me to talk to new people." Evan stumbles over his words, his tongue tied over every word.

"No no buddy I understand you don't have to join us, but I know this Connor thing is hard for you. Especially when douche-nuts like Jared Kleinman are trying to profit off his his death."

Evan winces at hearing the word... 'death', the friendship Evan has with Connor's spirit. It could never be real.

"Hey Evan, hang out with me this weekend. We can go to a park or something and just talk, you need a friend,"

"O-Oh okay," Evan smiles and walks away from the hoodie-wearing boy, with new plans for his weekend.

That night Evan found himself at the door of the Murphy's home with emails fabricating the relationship between him and their dead son. Evan gently knocks on the door, getting no response but wanting to knock again.

"What am I doing here?" Evan says to himself

"I don't know, trying to give some comfort to my parents. You can just go home, you don't have to do this Ev," Connor says with an obvious disdain in his voice... but Evan could also hear an underlying sadness.

"But I have to do this, your 'suicide note' was addressed to me. I have to do this... why didn't you write your own note?" Evan looks to the floor, hearing shuffling inside. Connor opened his mouth as if he was about to respond, but instead looked away with an unreadable emotion in his eyes.

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