Chapter 21: It Actually Knows How To Say Sorry

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I woke up the next morning wondering if there was actually any point in me getting out of bed. I knew I'd be lacking in my already insufficient ability to focus, but I couldn't stay home. I had to go, even if only for the few minutes before creative writing and the promise of study hall.

I was vibrating with positive, happy and excited energy when Ashley approached me in homeroom. She'd left numerous texts on my phone that weekend that went straight in the trash. I had promised myself that if I didn't catch glimpse of an "I'm sorry," she wouldn't get an "It's okay."

"V?" She asked, grabbing the desk in front of me before its actual assigned student could arrive. "Can we please talk now?"

She actually looked a lot sadder than I'd ever seen her. Her expression went against everything that I had ever known. Ashley didn't show those types of emotions. I'm pretty sure I would have needed resuscitation if she would have cried.

"Sure," I said, leaning back in my chair.

"I'm sorry," She said so quickly I could have missed it. Or maybe it came out at a normal speed and my brain just lagged trying to process it.

I stared at her for a moment with an unknown expression on my face, probably just looking crazy.

"I know it wasn't your fault," She continued. "I just got so...Jealous. You know I've liked Alex for years. I really thought that we were going somewhere before he asked you."

She looked at me expecting something.

"But still," I finally said. "You didn't have to treat me like that. You ignored me for over a month and helped spread a rumor about me that wasn't even true. I was scared to come to school half the time and didn't have anyone left. Do you even understand how much that sucks?"

"No, I guess I don't," She admitted. "But you know that's just how I am. Are we cool now?"

"We can cool down gradually," I promised, accepting her apology but not quite ready to run with it. I'd gone weeks without her, and gradually started missing her less and less. Now that I'd been a stranger to her, I had a hard time finding the strength in my heart to even like her that much again. We'd pretty much have to start over from scratch.

"Sweet," She said, about to bounce up and grab her allotted spot before the teacher came.

"But wait," I said, calling her back. "You have to understand something. Even if this is just how you think you are, I need you to know it's not okay. Ruining someone's life because you're jealous or angry isn't a personality trait, it's a choice. If you don't figure out how to change it I'm not sure I can ever take your side on anything again."

She looked at me and shrugged before turning away. Something about that final interaction set a little flame off in my body, but I honestly couldn't bring myself to nurse it to a blaze. I had just had way too good of a weekend for that.

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