Chapter 35: Chaos In A Slow Dance

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I didn't catch a glimpse of Kelsey or Vincent for a good while, despite obsessively looking. I knew it would only hurt me to see them, but a morbid curiosity propelled me. I wanted to see how he looked. I wanted to see how she looked. I wanted to see whether or not they'd actually come here together or if it had all just been one big, fat and terrible joke. 

I was returning to the dance floor stag when I saw them. 

They were all black in a sea of colors, looking like mourners who missed the funeral procession. They were exceptionally out of place, but also exceptionally beautiful. He was beautiful. I really made no effort not to stare at the wonderful man in front of me as I shuffled past. They both caught sight of me before I could evade them.

"Hey, V," Kelsey said with a bit of a sad tinge to her voice. Or maybe I just projected it there.

"Oh, hey guys," I said, directing my eyes to the floor. I didn't think I could make eye contact.

"You look really good," She complimented as I became acquainted with the pair's shoes. 

"Thanks," I smiled. "You both look amazing as well."

She waved a hand in my line of sight. 

"That's really difficult for you to judge when you won't even look at us," She said. 

I chanced glancing up. I felt my cheeks immediately turning to fire. Vince and I made eye contact, and I almost started sobbing right there. We exchanged a melancholy smile. 

"I uh, better get going," I worked to escape like a fly caught in the spider's web.  

"Yeah," Vincent said, a bit vitriolic. "Wouldn't want to keep your date waiting."

I froze at whatever that statement was, so bathed in hatred I could almost feel it. Kelsey cast quick glances between the two of us, completely unsure of how she was supposed to react.
I practically ran back to the anonymity of the dance floor, where Liam quickly found me, sweeping me up into more awkward dancing. I definitely had tears leaking out of my eyes. I don't think Liam didn't notice them, but I believe he truly didn't care. He spun me around and wiggled all over as if to avoid them, which was only fair. I was his date tonight, and it wasn't exactly kind of me to be so hung up on someone else's. 

At one point in the night, the music made a transition. Instead of party anthems and catchy bops, we were assaulted with ballads and love songs. It was slow dance time. 

I melted into Liam's grasp effortlessly and peered around the room over his shoulder.
To my surprise, Kelsey and Vince were actually participating. I had always imagined that she especially would protest to such a thing. I couldn't take my eyes off of them as she laid her head on his shoulder. They looked content. They looked like a couple. 

Where in the hell had I gone wrong?

Jealousy overcame me, and I fought to keep a calm exterior. I wasn't worth a ruined night. I copied every other girl on the floor and set my head on Liam's shoulder.

The man misinterpreted.

We danced like this for a short while before he got caught up in the mood.

"Hey, V," he said, catching my attention.

I picked my head up and adjusted my gaze to face him. He held it for a moment before leaning in.

I once again froze in place as his lips met mine. My heartbeat quickened and beat against my rib cage, threatening to crack it. I spent a second in shock before pulling myself away.

"No," I said, shaking my head for good measure.

I couldn't place the emotion that overcame his face. It was a whirlwind of regret, his own hurt and confusion.

"Sorry," I attempted.

"Why?" He asked. 

I couldn't think of any way to phrase it nicely. I can't because I'm not over someone else? I don't want to because I just don't like you like that? I knew I had to be blunt, but it took courage. I felt my hands shake.

"I just...I don't...I...," I stuttered. "I just don't think I feel that way about you. I'm sorry, I really am."

He finally chuckled, regaining his composure. 

"I got it," he said.

I went to lean back into his shoulder when Vincent caught my eye. He'd been watching me just as I'd been watching him, and I didn't like the face I saw.

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