Chapter 25: Liam Enters The Chat

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"You know what, V?" Ashley asked as she tugged at my hair with a curling iron a couple Saturdays after. "You should really dye your hair blonde."

"I'm pasty as fuck," I told her, disgusted at the thought. "It would wash me out way too much."

"No it wouldn't," She argued. "Tell her it wouldn't, guys."

The echo chamber responded in her favor.

We were getting ready for a Halloween party at Eric's house. It had been a big thing for years now, and due to the fact that we were no longer fighting, I had been invited again. Ashley had decided we'd go as angels, complete with lacy, virgin-white gowns and halls suspended over our hair.

I wasn't particularly looking forward to going. Parties had always made me feel anxious and I could usually find a way to miss out. Even the thought of the cops being called for something minor like a noise complaint and thus sniffing out the alcohol was enough to send me running. I figured I may as well pick out and pay for my own burial plot in advance, just on the off-chance that my mother would find out about it.

I had long since made up with Vince, and by made up, I mean really made up. We'd spent so much time together over the past couple of weeks that I was running out of female-oriented excuses to feed my mother. I had been planning on spending this Saturday with him, too, doing whatever horror-themed activity Kelsey could have thrown together. I was harshly disappointed when I found out earlier in the week that it was always near Halloween when his family took their yearly vacation.

Therefore, teen party it was.

The trio chatted on about AlienZ, The Island, Alex, Eric, Snowflake, and every other dull subject under the sun while I waited for my makeup to be finished.

"I'm really glad you're coming with us tonight, V," Mandy finally addressed. "I don't think you've ever been to a party with us before."

"Yeah, you always miraculously get sick or have a dead grandparent every time we ask you," Corinne supported.

Ashley laughed as she gave me a mirror to inspect my face with. I looked really pretty, actually.

"I guess I don't have anyone left to kill off," I joked, really thankful that all of my elderly family members were in fact still alive.

"You're gonna have so much fun," Ashley squealed as she set to work on Mandy. "I can't wait."

The group chattered on and on incessantly until the moment we arrived at Eric's front door. He lived in the filthy rich part of town, known affectionately by all of us as "Snob Knob." I could already hear the music pulsing inside and the shouts of excited youth.

"Ladies," Eric drawled as he greeted us at the doorway, red plastic cup in hand. "Good to see you, good to see you."

We scurried through the grand entry way into a room full of cheerleaders, sexy nurses, slutty cops, and football players.

"You all look amazing," He continued, glancing us over as he took swigs from his cup. I'm pretty sure he was already drunk. "This one especially."

The nuisance pointed a finger at Mandy, and I think she almost had a heart attack over the attention.

"Wow, did you guys see that?!" She exclaimed.

The three of them were beside themselves with excitement as Mandy patted at her fiery cheeks. I noticed several girls nearby throwing dirty looks in her direction. I smiled at one of them, only to be met with a roll of the eyes.

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