Chapter 37: Reunion

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The next day after school, I decided that I couldn't take it. I couldn't let things rest like that. I grabbed something I'd stashed far in the recesses of my closet before Christmas and set out on the path to Vince's house.

I was sort of surprised that he answered when I rang the bell. 

"Can we talk?" I asked. 

"I guess," he said, motioning me inside. His parents were once again thankfully absent.

We sat down on the sofa, a respectable distance apart, me grasping the square in my hands. 

"So?" He prompted after a moment of silence.

"Right, So," I said. "I wanted to apologize for everything. For even going back to Ashley when I knew inside you were right, for spending so much time with Liam, for going to the dance with him...just for everything. If I could do it all over I would, and I'd change everything, except for one thing."

"And what's that?" He asked.

"Getting to know you," I said, feeling my cheeks burn over how lame it was.

We both paused for a minute, unsure of what to say.

"Oh yeah, and this is for you," I said, holding the festively wrapped square out to him. "I got it for you for Christmas but, you know."

He took it from me and carefully opened it, smiling gently at what was inside. It was Mind Thief's debut album, finally his to have on vinyl.

"Thank much," he said, running his hand over the shrink-wrapped cover. "I didn't get you anything, though."

"It doesn't matter," I shrugged. "I'm just happy you like it."

We sat for a moment in silence again before I stood up.

"I'm gonna get going, then," I said. "See you at school?"

"Yeah, of course," he agreed, watching me turn to go.

I had my hand placed on the cold metal when his planted itself above mine on the door frame, holding it closed. I smiled and turned to face him.

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