Chapter 30: Pop Goes The Question

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Vince didn't sit with me in study hall that day. I kept throwing paper projectiles at him to lure him over, but they never brought out more than a smirk. I couldn't fathom what was going on with him, and left the class in a huff. I have no clue whether or not he followed.

    Liam stopped me outside of the school. 

    "Hey, V!" He called out, running over to me as I began descending the stairs. "I heard you got into a little tiff with Ash today. Are you okay?"

    "I'm fine," I sighed. "I just lost my temper over something."

    "I heard you called her a bitch," He whispered, sneaking a sly smile.  

    "Yeah, that happened," I said, chuckling openly back.  

    "Well, you aren't wrong, if I may say that.

    "Yes, you may."

    We walked down the stairs together, chatting about nothing interesting in particular. When we reached the bottom to part ways, he stopped me. 

    "I actually wanted to ask you something," He said.

    I felt my pulse quicken. I had a sinking feeling that I knew exactly what question he was going to pose. 

    "Yeah?" I prompted. 

    "Would you want to go to Snowflake with me?"

    I froze much like I had when Alex first asked me, even though I was equally sure of my answer this time. 

    It was another insignificant interaction that altered the course of events.

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