Hyde is exhausted

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Jekyll's POV

About half an hour later, I pick up Edward and carry him through the house. Poole must've heard me because he comes to me.

"Sir it is almost three in the morning. What ever are you doing so early?" Poole asks.

"I am taking poor Edward to bed. We have just gotten rid of the evil inside him and now he must rest. This poor boy is exhausted." I say.

"I see, is it alright that he passed out like that?"

"Well it isn't the best for anyone to pass out, but I expected this, I wasn't going to be surprised if he passed out which he did."

"I understand. Well I'll let you take him and go to sleep sir."

"Alright, you too, get some rest Poole."

Poole nods and leaves me. I carry Edward to sleep in my bed with me that night, and maybe for the next few nights as well, he's going to be weak. I lay Edward in bed and then lie next to him. He moves a little and I watch to see what he does in case I need to act, he only snuggles up to me and holds tightly. Him being stronger than me I loosen his grip a little, then giggle as I look at him, so peacefully sleeping. After placing his head on my chest he finally stops moving and I can fall asleep.

Hours later

I wake up the next morning to Edward still holding me close. His grip has tightened a little though. I look down to his face and brush away some hair that is blocking, but looking at him it looks like he's been crying. There's tear streaks going all the way down his face, and he has a slightly worried expression, but it's mostly relaxed. 
"Edward... Edward wake up." I say.

Edward slowly opens his eyes, and when he does, he looks up at me. "Yes H-Henry?"

"Edward, you have tear streaks on your face. Is everything okay?"

"I-I do?" Edward touches his face as he realizes he does and looks a little surprised/worried..

"Did something happen last night?"

"I-I... I only had a nightmare. That's all."

"That's all? Edward what's wrong? This clearly isn't making you happy, you've cried, and you were hugging me very tightly."

Edward looks at me for another moment, then looks down, as if he's ashamed. But he's not ashamed, he's scared. He doesn't know what to do... "In my dream..." he begins to speak, "these... creatures... horrifying creatures... they came after me.. trying to make me hurt people.."


"I don't know... but I remember that from the second I saw them in the dream I knew they were servants of the devil himself.."

"Goodness Edward.."

"They showed me my knifes. My precious little spectacles. Covered in the blood of my victims.. oh how I miss my little beauties!" Edward jumps up and runs to a drawer, pulling out a large knife. "Look at how they sparkle and shine.. my poor things, especially you... you shall drip rubies once again." (hehe Sweeny Todd reference!)

"Edward.. you don't know what you're saying! You can't go back to killing people!"

"I can do whatever I damn well please Henry!!!" Edward swings the knife in my direction.

"I don't understand what happened! We got rid of Billy!"

"And rid of Billy we are! But all of his motives returned to me. As if he never existed."

"So... you can be good and bad, like normal man, but more violent.. there's just no other to harness that darkness inside.."


"Goodness what have we done Edward?... because of my theories and hopes I've gotten us into so much trouble..."

"No.. no you haven't... I've just got to learn to control this. If I can become good and change how a normal man can then it'll all be okay."

I look up to see a soft and kind expression on his face again. Edward has come back, he's returned to normal.

"How do you know?"

"I know because I have you. As long as I have you, I'll be okay, you can help me control my violent impulses."

I don't know how to control something like that.. especially in someone else."

"Well, talk me out of things, do things to make me come back. I know you'll figure something out."

"... okay."

"It'll be okay brother." Edward hugs me, and I slowly hug him back.

I squeeze him while we hug but he squeaks, I let go and look at him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine!.. I should go do something-"

I grab him as he tries to leave. "No you don't! Why'd you squeak? It was quite loud and strange."

"Nothing, there's no reason. I'm fine."

I squeeze him again where I did before, which would be his sides, once again he squeaks, but this time he tries to shove me away. "Stop it! That gives me a weird feeling!"

I chuckle a little, "I believe you're feeling a tickle Edward. That almost itchy, but known as a ticklish sensation when I squeeze you on your sides, and you're probably ticklish in other places too." I reach over to try another spot, but he slaps my hand away.

"No! Don't tickle me I don't know what that'll do!"

"Haha, please Edward? It'll be amazing!!!

"How can you promise that?"

"Because I used to be tickled on occasion, and it was a lot of fun. And you're me so you must enjoy it a little bit."

"Um... well..... alright.." Hyde gives a little smile.

"Yay!" I say excitedly, then push him to lay down on the bed and get over him. "Where shall I start?"

"I-I don't know.. I've never really been tickled before."

"Hmm, then I'll start... where I first began." I bring my fingers down to his sides and begin tickling them. Edward jolts a little towards me and smiles, then he begins to giggle and move a little. "I only just started, and it's so light, how are you so close to laughing already?"

"I-I don't hmhmhm- kn-know!! Hmhmhm!!!" I smile at Edward's smile and tickle him some more, a little harder and faster and this time he laughs. "Gah n-no! Hahahahahaha!" Edward wiggles and squirms out of reaction, trying to get away, but he can't.

"Hmhm, it's fun to watch you laugh." I tickle Edward more and switch between different spots. Edward laugh even more and harder. I tickle him for a while, then finally when he starts to slow his moving down I stop because he's become so exhausted that he can't squirm any more. He breathes heavily for a minute, then hugs me when I lie next to him.

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