Chapter 13

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Shawna pov.

As I looked at Chris and I pictures from back then I started crying. I don't like this. I went under my matress and got my very first song/poetry  book. I read some of my poems and got my current song book. I started writing and the feelings just flowed. Thats what I need. Studio time and music. I got clean and put on a jumpsuit. I said bye to my parents and went to the studio.

At Studio

I walked in and no one was there but Walker(receptionist).

Me- Hey

Walker- You want studio time hun

Me- Yes please

Walker- Room three open

Me- Thank you

I walked down the long ass hall to room three and turned on the lights. I looked at what I had to do and got straight to work.

Zachary pov

Being home all day is so boring and to not see my mom for three days straight hurts me. Yeah Yeah, Ima mommy's boy I dont care though. I dialed her number and she answered on the second ring.

Shawna- Hey Booda wassup

Me- You and these nicknames

Shawna- Been there since you were born

Me -yeah, yeah can we hang today

Shawna- Umm, The hell, why not im on my way

Me- Ight.....Mom

Shawna- Yeah

Me- I love you

Shawna- Oh...umm...Thank you so much baby, you dont know how much you made my day...I love you to

I hung up and went to the kitchen to get some water. That's when my dad came through the door and he looked mad.

Me- Whats up with you pops

Chris- Your mom wont answer any of my calls and when she just did we got in a argument


Chris- Petty shit...I dont know man I try and try but fail...Me and Shawna never been this bad

Me- Have you guys considered Marriage counseling

Chris- Nah I dont feel comfortable with some person in my business

Me- Dont think of it that way

Chris- How then

Me- Professional Advice on how to keep you two together forever

Chris- Okay then I guess if Shawna talk to me

That shit was so weird hearing my pops call mom by her name. Thats how you can tell things aren't good. They always say bae, babe, wifey, hubby, or my love some type of couple words. My mom walked through the door and it was like both of them froze. I think my mom was deciding if she should leave, stay, kiss dad, or slap him. My dad looked like he just want her back badly which is so true.

Me- Mom, Pops....Yall should go to counseling asap

Shawna- Your dad doesn't want anyone in his Buisness

Me- He do right pops

He nodded and I shook my head. I pulled up some information on a celebrity marriage counsellor. I found a five star one who only charge $50 a day. Thats not bad. Her name is Mrs.Jones. Just what we need she free right now. I dialed her number as both of my parents sat across from each other in the living room. The phone rang twice and it was a womans voice.

TheWoman- Hello this is Mrs. Jones how may I help you?

Me- Hi my name is Zachary Brown. I am the son of Chris Brown and Shawna Brown. They are currently having marriage issues and I want my parents to work this out. Today

Mrs.Jones- Okay Zachary give me the address and I will be there

I gave her the information she asked for and hung up.

Me- Her name is Mrs.Jones she will be here in 20 mins, and she charges $50 a day. Mom we can hang after the session. The session goes how ever long you want since she was free, but other days its 2 hour limit. One Two Bye

Shawna- Bye Bugga

Shawna pov.

I smiled as Zachary left upstairs. He act just like Chris when he was a teen. Gosh, is that good or bad. The doorbell rang and I answered it to a nice looking lady and I lead her to the living room. I sat on the same couch as Chris but i left that middle cushion empty.

Mrs.Jones- My name is Mrs.Jones you can call me Jay. Its a pleasure to meet the two of you. What I would like to do is start off with the man. So where did the problem officially start really. Look at me not Shawna just me and tell me.

Chris- Her sister Tiara. She was a huge temptation from the start. I messed around with her and the guilt ate at me. Then we got married and I cut her off but she found her way back on top of a nigga. Thats when Shawna reconnected with a dude named Romeo and it hit me like what if she fuck with him cause she know I'm cheating. I took her over edge and she fucked him. Unlike me she told me and I hit her below the belt by saying Thats why im fucking her sister. We have a lot of damage.

Jay- Hmm Shawna

Me- Well you have it all no shade

Jay- None at all....How did you slip with cheating Shawna

Me- I was sick and tired of Christopher saying I was cheating. So I left. I didnt mean to cheat. I let my feelings out to Romeo but shut up because it was getting awkward. I was deep in thought and he poped up in my face naked and kissed me which is my weakness and we had sex on the couch. I was fighting with myself the whole time but couldn't bring myself to stop

Jay- Hmm...Chris What is your response

Chris- Fuck her

Me- Fuck you nigga I have more balls then you...

Chris- Thats what a hoe would say


Jay- Calm down

Me- Im calm...Calming my ass down before he be six feet under

Chrjs- I just dont get how your legs didnt stay close

Me- Did you wonder why your dick didnt stay down sometimes....Hmm...hmmm...I thought so

Jay- Chris your problem is owning up to what you did. You want to balme everything on Shawna because its easy to deny

Chris- I did own up to what I did

Jay- Then why are you balming Shawna for her actions instead of apologizing

Ohhh this chick good. Has him deep in thought and shit. I like her.

Jay- Shawna how do you feel now

Me- There isnt a word to describe it. My husband, the one I said I do to called me a hoe. I feel unwanted by the person that said they would love me unconditionally.(Starts to cry). I was pregnant, but I lost the baby because of stressing over this so called marriage. When I needed my love, my forever he wasnt there. You dont know how it feels to sit down just to fall to the ground and bleed a lot. I was excited for another child. I kind of wanted abother child, but sadly it died because I THOUGHT MY HUSBAND WOULD NEVER HURT ME. ZACHARY LETS GO NOW.

I rushed out the house and got in the car waiting on Zachary. He came in the car and he was crying.

Me-(still crying a little) What's wrong

Zachary- I could've had another brother or sister and he or she died

I hugged my baby and we cried on each other. I love my son so much

Sorry for the long wait. But the next chapter will be updated sooner.

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