Here we go again... another day of more drama..... Part 19

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Hey. I know that I posted the story a few hours ago but I finished this one early so here you go! Enjoy!

Y/N: What?! How could you say that?

Lucy: Don't you notice? He's always paying attention to you..

Y/N: But I don't like Mark.. I've known him since we were kids... Don't worry... I'll help you! Mark will like you in no time!

Lucy: You... you really think so?

Y/N: Yes! I'll talk to Mark about it ok?

Lucy: Ok....

Then we see Mark running towards us.

Mark: Hey guys! What did I miss?

Lucy: Nothing important..

Mark: Oh ok... by the way.. did you guys finish the homework from yesterday? I don't really understand it..

Y/N: I didn't understand it either.. the math one right?

Mark: Yea.

Lucy: I finished it.. It's pretty easy..

Y/N and Mark looked at me.

Mark: Can you help me.. I don't really understand it..

Lucy: Y-Yea sure..

Y/N: Don't forget about me! I need help too!

All of you laughed. Once Y/N said that the school opened.

Lucy: It's time to go inside. I'll help you guys after school. The homework doesn't get turn in till next week so we have enough time.

Mark: Thank Lucy.. You're the best!

Y/N: I expected that Lucy was going to finish it in one day.

Lucy: Why?

Y/N: Because you're the smartest one in our group!

Lucy: W-What?!

Mark: That's true.. You're really smart Lucy.

Lucy: T-thanks..

Y/N: Oh right! We better hurry or we'll be late for class and Ms. Lee might get mad at us.

Lucy: Lets go!

Then we went to class and pretty much everybody was there except the teacher.

Mark: We made it just in time!

Y/N: Lets hurry and get to our seats.

We went to our seats and Ms. Lee came in and started to teach.

Mark's P.O.V

What's wrong with me?! Now, when I'm around Lucy, I feel something in my heart but I don't know what it is. Whenever I'm with her, I tell myself not to act stupid around her.. Was it because last night when I walked her home? What's this feeling?

Then the bell rang and we went to lunch. When we got our lunch, we sat down and started talking about the math homework. Whenever I get a question wrong, Lucy was giggle and help me with it. Whenever she did that, it made my heart beat faster and my face started to get really hot. What's wrong with me?

Mark: Like this?

Then Lucy giggled again.

Lucy: No! Your doing it wrong. Here, let me show you.

Then she would get closer to me. I wonder if she heard my heartbeat.. I hope she didn't.. If she did, I would be embarrassed and I'd probably run away.

Y/N's P.O.V

You saw that Mark's face would get redder and redder every time Lucy got closer to Mark. You knew that Mark started to have feelings for Lucy. You were happy for them but you felt like a third wheel and interrupted them.

Y/N: Umm... Hello? Can you guys stop with the getting closer to each other? Get a room you two.

Then you saw both of them blushing, you started to laugh.

Y/N: I'm just kidding you guys! Can't you both take a joke... or are you guys in love with each other?

Mark & Lucy: W-What are you talking about?!

Y/N: See! You guys are talking at the same time! Like a couple!

Mark & Lucy: S-stop Y/N!

Y/N: Look! You're doing it again! You guys are like a real couple!

Mark & Lucy: Y/N!

Y/N: Ok ok... I'll stop. It's almost time to go to our next class anyway. You guys can act like that AFTER SCHOOL ok?

Mark: W-we weren't doing anything.

Lucy: Y-Yea! I was just helping him with homework! That's all!

Y/N: Ok ok.. Whatever you say~

Then you guys went to your next class. After school you told them that they can work in the homework together without you because you had to do something at home and you said that you can ask Namjoon if you needed any help. Mark and Lucy was okay with it and went to the library together and you went home. When you arrived, you saw the guys getting ready for dinner.

Hoseok: Hey Y/N! How was school?

Y/N: Tiring... Namjoon oppa, can you help me with my homework after dinner? I really need help on it.

Namjoon: Sure!

Jin: Dinner is ready! Lets eat!

Then you and the guys went to the dining table and started eating. After dinner, Namjoon helped you with your homework and then you went to bed.

The next day~

You woke up and got ready. After that, you made breakfast and went to school. When you got there, you didn't see Lucy, you saw Mark standing there. It was weird because Lucy usually came here first and Mark was the latest one in your group but it's reverse now.

Y/N: Hey Mark! Why did you come here so early?

Mark: Hey Y/N! I guess that I just woke up early today. Why are you so early?

Y/N: What are you talking about? I always come to school at this time.

Mark: Really? I didn't know that..

You noticed that Mark looked a little embarrassed. You knew that  Mark was thinking of Lucy because you saw him blushing.

Y/N: Hmm.... What are you thinking about?

Mark: W-What? N-nothing!

Y/N: Are you thinking about.... Lucy?

Mark: What?! How could you think of that? We're just friends!

Y/N: You sure? Just tell me what you're thinking about.

Mark: ...... Fine.... I think that I like



Hello! I thought that I would post these three in a few weeks but I had a lot of time to do these two and I will post the next one in a few minutes.

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