BTS to the rescue! Part 42

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Mark's P.O.V

I wonder why Axel's taking so long.. Did he have to poop or something.. Watching the show and tell thing was really boring.. I just want this to be over with..

Jin: Mark! Can you hear me?! Say something!

After hearing that, I jumped in my seat. Y/N and Lucy looked at me like I just grew a hand out of my head.

Mark: S-sorry.. I have to go to the bathroom.

Lucy: Umm.. ok. Take your time.

Then I left and went out in the hallway.

Mark: What do need? You made me look like a fool in there.

Jin: Haha.. I know. That's why I did it.

Mark: W-what do you need?!

Jin: Ok sorry. You need to go to the back of the stage right now! If you don't, Mr. White's going to be humiliated like 2 years ago.

Mark: What?! Where do I go? I don't know how to get to the back of the stage. Staff are standing there. I can't get in without getting noticed! We can't do anything about it!

Jin: Shoot.. Ok, forget about it. Just go back to your seat. We'll handle this. Don't worry about it.

Mark: What? What do mean we? What are you saying?

Jin: Just go back to your seat!

Mark: Ok ok! If there's anything I can do then just tell me, ok?


Mark: Ok ok!

Then I went back to my seat.

Y/N: Hey did you see Axel in the bathroom? He didn't come back yet..

Mark: I-I saw him. He just had a stomachache. He'll be here in a few minutes.

Y/N: If you day so. Mr. White's show and tell thing is not over.. It's kind of boring but everyone else looks like they're enjoying it.

Mr. White: Ok! Now, I'm going to pass out bread that was made by my bakery.

Then the staff started to pass out bread to everyone. When we got ours, Lucy and I was about to eat it but Y/N stopped us.

Mark: What is it?

Y/N broke her bread in half and looked at it.

Y/N: It's molding. The bread is molding.

Lucy: What?! Why would Mr. White pass out molding bread? Is he trying to make us sick or something?

Girl 1: Hey! The bread you just passed out is molding! Are you trying to poison us?!

Boy 1: Mine is too! What are you planning?!

Girl 2: I can't believe that you would try to poison us! Shame on you!

Then everyone started to yell at Mr. White. This must of been what Jin was trying to tell me.. Why didn't I do anything about? I'm such a coward..

Mr. White: Wait! This must've been a mistake! My staff made these today in the morning! Please believe me!

Mark: This was a setup. Someone set Mr. White up to be humiliated..

Y/N: Do you know who that would be?

Mark: I have no idea-

Lucy: It was Alex. She's trying to humiliate Mr. White.. like 2 years ago. Remember when Mr. White got humiliated 2 years ago. Maybe Alex held a grudge against Mr. White.. but why?

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