End~ Part 43

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Few years later~

The drama has finally ended! No more misunderstandings and stuff... I can finally let go and-

Boss: Y/N?! What are you doing?! Get back to work!

Y/N: Y-yes sir!

That's right.. I have a job now.. well I'm still training. After high school, I decided to try and become a teacher so I moved to America to start my training. After that, I'm moving back to Korea to become a real teacher. Right now, I'm still in training and let me tell you, it's tiring.. I had to stay up all night because of it.. I can't believe teachers had to go through this.. Well, that's enough about me, let me tell you about the others!

Well, after everything that happened, the guys.. or should I say BTS is still together but they might disband this year or so.. But for now, they're doing fine.

Next, is Jason. After he graduated high school, he started modeling.. It's been rough for him to the point where he had to borrow some money from us. Now, he's one of the most famous models in the country. After that flew, he gave us all the money he owed us. He's living a good life.

I feel like you know who's next... Mark and Lucy. They're having a great life. Mark became a businessman and Lucy became a housewife. Yep, that's right, Mark and Lucy got married! And they also have two kids! They're newborns and they still don't have names.. Can you believe that?! I haven't had enough free time to fly back and meet them but after I'm finished with work, I get to have a 1 week break!

I feel like you're wondering about Axel and Ace. Well.. they got together and adopted two kids! One's a boy and the other is a girl. After the dilemma, Ace closed his bakery and gave all the money to Mr. Gray and started to work at Mr. Gray's bakery to help him out. Axel went back to working on his business and after a year or so, his business flew and he became one of the most successful CEOs in the country. After all of that, they got together and also got married! They're having a good life..

Boss: Y/N, what did I say?! Get back to work!

Y/N: Sorry! It won't happen again!

Well I guess I have to get back to work now! I hope to see you next time! See you later!

It has finally ended! This is going to be the last part for the story and I hope you enjoyed as much as I did while writing it. I thank you all for at least reading the first part. I know that I didn't have a schedule on uploading and it would take me months to finish one. I feel like I just built stress on myself throughout this but I loved the feeling of the end product and seeing you read it makes the stress and pressure worth it. This is going to be a goodbye but only temporary. If you guys can do me one last favor, give me suggestions to what I should write next? Lets just get on with the story. See you all later!

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