Part of Jason's plan.. Part 33

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Jin's P.O.V.~

It's for the sake of Y/N! I'm not just going to stand there and not do anything to help

Jimin: You have a plan?

Jin: Yes I do!

Taehyung: What is it?

Yoongi: Please don't tell me it's something stupid.. If you guys are going to do this, leave me out of it. I'm not going to get blamed for something you guys did..

Jin: It's not going to be that bad! I'm just gonna go to his house and beat him up! That's all!

Namjoon: You're gonna what?! I don't think that's a good idea. If Y/N finds out, she's going to kill you, you know.

Hoseok: Trust me, you don't want to get in trouble by Y/N.. It's really bad..

Jungkook: Tell me about it..

Jin: So what are we going to do?! We can't just give Y/N to him!

Yoongi: Y/N's not an object. She's human.

Jin: Not like that!

Namjoon: I don't think we should do it. It's not a good idea.

Jimin: It's not smart either. I think we should do nothing.

Jin: Come on guys! Why do you guys have to be like that! It's for Y/N's sake! How about we just go to his house and have a talk with him!

Namjoon: I can work with that but do you promise that you're not going to do anything stupid.

Jin: S-sure.. but if says something stupid, I'm going to punch him!

Namjoon: Fine.. Lets just go to sleep. We have to wake up early for work. I don't think we're going to be home when Y/N comes back.

Jin: What?! But what about my plan?!

Yoongi: We can do it on Friday. Don't worry, it's not like it's the end of the world.

Jin: Fine..


The day has finally come. It's tome to confront Jason.

Jin: So when are we going?

Taehyung: We're doing it after work. That means we're not going to see Y/N when she comes back. Are you alright with this?

Jin: If it's for the sake of Y/N.. I'll do it.

Yoongi: Stop acting like you're apart of a drama or something.

Jin: W-what are you talking about?! Lets just get going to work.

After work~

Jin: Lets go!

Jimin: But I want to go home! I'm tired!

Jin: This cannot be stopped! Driver, take us to- wait.. does any of you know were he lives?

Jungkook: No idea.. we should've thought about that..

Jimin: Well I guess we're going home!

Jin: No! We can't just give up now!

Namjoon: Why can't you just ask Mark or Lucy..

Jin: Yea! Lets do that!

I called Mark. Don't ask how I got his phone number. When he answered, I put him on speaker.

Mark: Hello? Who is this and why do you have my phone number?

Jin: It's me, Jin. You don't need to know how I got your phone number.

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