Chapter 14

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The next day after breakfast I grabbed my father's ashes from my desk. I held them in my hand for a very long time. "I have to do this.....this is what he wants." All of a sudden Donghae came into my room.

"Hey," He said walking in, "What's in your hand?"

He walked over to me seeing what I was holding.

"...My father's ashes." I said slowly, "He asked for me to spread them where we used to live."

"Where was that?" He asked.

"Here in Korea of course. We lived just a little bit outside of Seoul, in a quiet place. On a hill with green grass everywhere."

"Are you going to spread them today?"

"...Yea. I was about to leave to do that."

"Well, I don't want you to go alone. Do you mind if I come with you?"

".....No, it's fine." I answered.

"Okay, then just tell me where to drive to and I'll take you there." he said as we both left my room.

I told him the exact place to go to as we talked in the car. He told me he originally came from Mokpo, hence his accent. He said along the sea, his father is buried there and that he visits his grave once or year or so. We finally arrived where I told him to go in about 30 minutes.

We walked through a small area of grass and reached the hill.

"Akia...." he started, "There aren't any houses out here. Are you sure this is it?"

I nodded. "I'm sure. This place is considered the country, so there aren't really many houses nearby."

"There don't seem to be any houses in sight. Where is your house?" he asked confused.

"Right here, in front of us." I said.

He looked at me like I was crazy, "But.....there is no house in front of us."

I slowly answered, ".......Because our house was burnt down 6 years ago."

He grew quiet. "....I'm sorry."

"The houses that were in this area were all burnt down because of a cigarette. Thankfully there was only about 5 houses out here. The ground was badly burned too. I guess over the years it grew back to it's beautiful green color."

I opened the tube containing my father's ashes and held them straight out in front of me. A small tear rolled down my cheek. "Dad.....I will fulfill your dream. I will try my hardest to make you proud. Please trust in me so I can have the courage to sing. I love you."

With that, I tipped the tube over slightly and watched the ashes fly through the wind. I stood there seeing that I just spread my father's ashes across what used to be a burnt piece of land. That is now, beautiful with bright green grass and white flowers. The wind suddenly picked up stronger and hit my face hard. My hair was blowing and I nearly stumbled back, but it felt like something caught me. Almost as if someone was trying to keep me up. I felt the same shiver go down my spine like the one I got in my father's room. I smiled and thought, "My guardian angel, keeping me up."

Then something hit me even harder than the wind. My eyes grew wide and I fell to the ground on my knees. I started crying really hard in the place where my house used to be.

"Akia!" Donghae screamed out behind me as he was running towards me.

I couldn't see anything. It was all a blur from my tears. Donghae tried to bring me back up to my feet, but I couldn't move. I just sat there crying. Could it be that my father's death finally hit me? I felt like I was starting to lose it. Donghae sat down holding me, telling me that everything was okay and for me to calm down. For some reason, in his arms, I felt calm. I slowly started to calm down after about 10 minutes. I stood up still wrapped in Donghae's arms. I felt shaky, like I couldn't stand.

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