Chapter 8

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I was frozen solid. My heart nearly stopped beating. I could feel my throat tightening and I started to breathe heavier. "He just asked me to be his girlfriend. Am I dreaming? I must be. No, I can't be dreaming, especially since I feel everything that is happening to me." I was nervous and was stuttering even though I just had to say one word.

"U-um....." I started off saying.

He looked at me with pleading eyes while holding onto my hands.

I softly told him, "Y-yes....."

His eyes widened. "What?"

I said it a little louder, "Yes...." then I gained full confidence and screamed out, "Yes!"

His face grew bright and he no longer seemed nervous. A smile stretched out on both of our faces. He pulled me into a hug and seemed so happy. The moment was so magical. The wind slowly hit my skin making me shiver, but knowing that I was wrapped in the arms of the person I loved, I felt warm everywhere. The sky was a hazy grey and everything seemed so still. That was the moment I felt like I was in his arms for eternity.

.                        .                             .                               .

Ryeowook and I made a promise not to tell anyone that we were dating. Especially after we saw how the members were acting at lunch the other day. Plus Ryeowook told me he knew some of the other members liked me too. No wonder they act so jealous when I'm with Ryeowook.......

During dinner that night we ordered take-out instead of Ryeowook and I cooking. We all sat down and ate from our little to-go boxes. Strangely, it was quiet. Kinda like a deadly quiet. I felt a shiver run down my spine. I stared nervously at my food wondering why everyone was so quiet. "Was something wrong? Did something happen?" All of a sudden Heechul stood up, threw his napkin down and stormed off. I was shocked. "Does he usually act like this?" I heard a door slam after he walked off. I was so shocked by how he was acting.

Leeteuk silently said, "It's one of those days today...."

"What kind of day was it? I'm so confused! Someone PLEASE TELL ME!"

I looked over to Ryeowook with a questioning look on my face. He just kept quiet and continued eating. "Oh my gosh please someone tell me what the heck is going on."

Siwon stood up and said, "I'll go see what's wrong with him."

Donghae interfered and told him, "Don't go in there when he's mad. Just leave him alone."

He sighed and sat back down. "So Heechul was mad? I wonder why."

Everyone silently went back to eating. Dinner seemed long and dreary. The atmosphere was heavy and all you could hear were noodles being slurped and glass cups touching the table. It was awkward. Especially since I had no idea what was wrong with Heechul. After dinner I dragged Ryeowook off to my room and asked him, "Why did Heechul seem so mad?"

"He gets like that every now and then. It's usually referred to as 'one of those days.'"

I was still confused. "So he just acts like that because he can?"

"Pretty much. But there isn't anything we can do about it. We just have to let him cool off on his own."

I was surprised to see that someone can get mad just because they can. "Wow, how long does he stay like this?"

"For about a whole day. Or until he goes to sleep so he should be better by tomorrow."

Still curious I asked, "Does he ever talk about how he feels to anyone?"

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