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Jacob left, confused. Quickly putting on a white and green sweater and black Jeans, he exited his room. Walking outside, he questioned Bad mentally. Did he really make Bad that mad? Strange? Eh, whatev-

"Actually, that was me."

Jacob stopped in his tracks. Spifey's voice rang in his head. But why? Did.. was Bad actually right? Did Jacob have a crush on Spifey? No, Jacob thought, I just had a random thought. There's no WAY I have a crush on a guy. Jacob assured himself. He began to walk again, twisting and turning around corners. He slowed his pace as a coffee shop appeared in sight. As he entered, he had his usual latte, and ordered a blueberry muffin along with it. He thanked the server and turned around. Walking towards the exit, he noticed a tall, brown hair male with glasses.

The boy looked towards Jacob, and Jacob nervously walked out the door. When he got outside, he let out a breath he didnt realize he was holding in. Glancing back, his pace slowed to a normal. Why was I so frightened? Jacob asked himself. No, that's not the right word. More like flustered. Oh! I bet Spifey has a YouTube channel! How can I be so dumb not to think of that? Jacob thought. He tried his hardest not to skip. He sped up the pace and soon his street was in sight. He broke into a run, running to his house. Once he got to the doorstep he got out his keys and unlocked the door. Stepping in, Jacob immediately went into his room.

Quickly, Jacob wolfed down the Blueberry Muffin and started up his computer. Once it was on, Jacob searched up 'Spifey' on YouTube. Sure enough, a channel came up. Not even hesitating, he clicked it. Immediately as one of the videos started playing, he let out a squeak. Jacob felt overjoyed as soon as he heard Spifey's voice. He leaned back in his chair, listening. Jacob looked up, watching the outro to the video. He began watching other videos, and pretty much stalking Spifey's channel.

Since the author isn't interested in writing about Jacob simply watching alot of Spifey videos, heres what happened after, please dont hate me ;v;

Jacob eventually got somewhat bored of watching videos. Looking at the time, he realized 6 hours had passed. He went into the kitchen to get food, as he was hungry. He grabbed a half of a leftover sandwich. As Jacob ate, he thought about his success. Then he froze. Why am I obsessing over Spifey!? I- I refuse to believe I have a crush on him! Zelkam shook his head to clear his thoughts, resuming his eating.

As he finished, Jacob cleaned his area from crumbs and such. He walked back into his room, noticing his phone laying on his bed, blowing up with notifications. Hmm. I must have thrown it onto the bed without thinking. Jacob thought. Picking it up, he read the messages.

So we nede zekl to aggre

That sounds correct.

Where is he

Probabyl forgt to chec his phoen

It's hard to read Skeppy's misspellings
Can you go back to spell school

Where is Zelkam?
He hasnt even seen my messages it's been over an hour!

I'm right here
What do I need to agree on
I cant see my other messages
Too flooded

Were thinking of meeting up irl

Ye weve all agreed

Sure why not
But where to meet?

My palce
*Insert address here*
14 days from now

Oh I live in that area!
I'll be there!

I'll get flight

On my way

Jacob smiled to himself. He'll be meeting his friends in real life! He already knew what Skeppy, or Zak, looked like. Same with A6D, or Vincent. He flopped on his bed, realizing how late it was. Closing his eyes, darkness slowly took him in, warm.

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