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He looks like Spifey.

Jacob gaped, every detail on the boy's face was the same as Spifey. The exact same. As he looked, he noticed the other Male's face was turning slightly red, like a blush. Surely not? Jacob thought. Another male shorter than Spifey nudged his shoulder, noticing his staring. Jacob smiled as he realized the other person was Zak. Zak gestured for me to come over, a grin spread wide across his face.

"Jacob! What are you doing here?" Zak questioned, motioning to the store around them. "Getting food?" Jacob laughed. "So, Skeppy, who is this?" The Spifey guy asked. "Oh! George, this is Zelkam! From the video, remember?" Zak exclaimed. Did I imagine his face getting redder? Jacob thought. "Oh! I-I remember!" 'George' said, nodding, even though his expression was off in space. Zak glanced at Jacob and George and smirked. "So~ What do we all need?" Zak cut in, still smirking. "I need edible things." Jacob half-joked. "Well then, let's go!" Zak exclaimed, startling George out of his trance.

After shopping, because I cant write that and it was fairly normal.

"Where are you staying?" Jacob asked Zak as they exited the building. "Well, we're gonna book a hotel-" Zak started, "Why don't you guys stay at my house?" Jacob interrupted Zak. Embarrassed, he quickly said; "W-Well, it'd be free... and it's your choice if. You want to or n-not." "Alright then. George, do you wanna stay there? It's your call." Zak looked over to George. George hesitantly nodded, taking his eyes away from Jacob. Zak walked over to Jacob and whispered into his ear, "Okay, I know you want us to stay there for George." He snickered. Jacob coughed, "ZAK! nO!" He playfully batted Zak away, his face turning pink. "Yeah, okay." Zak looked at Jacob smugly.

Jacob went in his car, Zak and George went in Zak's car, and they drove to where Jacob lived. Once they arrived, Jacob showed them where they could stay. He had one extra bedroom and a couch. Of course, Zak had to say this; "Why dont you two just share a room, and I get the spare room?", causing both Jacob and George's faces to turn pink, although Jacob was pinker than George. "ZAk!" Jacob shouted. Zak had yet another smirk on his face, inwardly shipping the two. Jacob went into the kitchen, packing away the groceries. Zak and George were both talking in the living room, sitting on the couch. Jacob had a flame of jealousy in him, but he quickly put it out. If Zak liked George, then why was he making shipping jokes about Spifelk? Jacob shook his head, clearing his thoughts, and returned to sorting the groceries.

When Jacob returned to the living room, Zak and George were on opposite ends of the couch, glaring at each other, both blushing madly. "What's going on here?" Jacob asked the two boys. Immediately both erupted in inaudible talking, pointing at eachother. "Woah-Woah-Woah- one at a time please!" Jacob cut in, causing everything to fall silent. Zak cleared his throat. "W-Well, George s-said-" Zak covered his face with his hoodie sleeves, "Th-that- Me and Bad- sh-should get- married and- h-have kids." Zak pulled his knees to his chest. Jesus, he stuttered alot. Jacob was now the one with the smirk, glancing at George, giving him a nod. George looked triumphant, a grin on his face as he looked at the blue ball on the couch that turned out to be a flustered Zak. When Zak had finally calmed down, he glared at the offending males, a light blush still settled on his face. Jacob couldnt help but giggle.

[George POV]

Hearing a light giggle, I looked over at Jacob, the one causing the sound. I felt my face get warm, and I felt peaceful as I saw his smile. I found myself being unable to breath, but I didn't mind.

I didnt mind as long as Jacob was here.

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