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[We have 300+ reads!! I'm so happy, I'm so glad someone actually likes what I write! I never expected so much attention! Even though to some it's a small amount, i find it hard to put it into words to explain how grateful I am. Anyways, enough jibber jabber, you guys are here for some Spifelk.]

[Jacob POV]

As I drove home, I felt at peace. Everything was quiet, nothing bad was happening, I have George sitting next to me..

Wait, what!?

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. George looked up from his phone and looked at me, slightly confused about my behavior. When he saw me glance at him he turned away, a light blush settling on his cheeks. I smiled, turning my eyes onto the road again. As we pulled up into my/our driveway, I got out, as did George. He's awfully silent for how he is on YouTube. Jacob thought as he opened the door for George. He closed the door behind them, walking into the living room. Zak was laying on the couch texting someone. I signaled to George to stay still and silent and crept over to Zak. I saw him texting in the Group Chat including some of our friends. Reading the messages I felt my face get hot and I took the phone from him. Zak let out a surprised shout, getting up and trying to take the phone from my raised arm. He was a bit too short to reach my hand. "Give.. It!" He whined, jumping still. "That's two people that have," I laughed at his struggles attempts. "Shown others something!" I finally got myself together, growling at Zak. He let out some puffs of air, panting. I tossed the phone onto the couch, aiming to where the phone wont be damaged in any way whatsoever. He ran over to it and held it tight. He gave me one of those small-but-evil flares before continuing to text. Sighing, I opened my phone. I had turned notifications off while me and George were at the restaurant.

I told you they were in love!

I ship it

Another one

A6D what

Skeppy et toi êtes amoureux et je l'expédie

I'm going to Google Translate



You dotn wanan know


Uh.. GTG

Hehe >:)

Oh right Skeppy's at my house rn
He cant escape now


I watched as Zak made an attempt to dash up the stairs to escape me.(my fanfic, I imagine the house ok). I ran the other way around the table and grabbed his wrist, pulling him into me gently. He let out a small "Ow!" But quickly changed his expression. He willingly fell into me and I set him down, proceeding to tackle him. Zak struggled to escape me. George had picked up my phone that I hadn't turned off, and his face was pink. He set my phone down before coming over to me and Zak. At first I thought he was going to pull me off of him, but instead he helped pin Zak.

"Okay, Okay! You win! You wi- HHAAHA STOPP!" Zak screeched at us. Me and George both let go, and Zak immediately popped up and whooshed up the stairs.

I looked over to George and smiled big. He returned the smile. Both of us didnt realize we were blushing. "Hey, let's go record a video together." George laughed. I found myself in the mood to record as well. "What server?" I asked the taller male. "Hmm.." George went silent for a moment, lost in thought. "How about Hypixel SkyWars?" He grinned. "Your on!" I ran the edge to my room, immediately booting up MineCraft. As soon as I got onto Hypixel, I invited George's account, Spifey, to my party. We both started recording, doing our intros and what-not. After what felt like minutes was really a few hours and Jacob found himself yawning. Looking at the time, I let out a gasp of surprise.

"What is it, Zelk?" George asked. "Look at the time!" I responded, letting out a surprised laugh. "Oh my gosh, it's been awhile since we started.." George trailed off, his voice in that tone where you could tell they were smiling. I found myself grinning too. "How about let's end our recordings and edit this later, okay?" I suggested, although it was obvious we were doing that. "That's a smart idea." George said sarcastically. I muted up and thanked the future viewers, ending the recording. I let out a sigh, my face heated by an intense blush. I love recording with George... it brings me at peace. A warm feeling spread through my body. I unmuted myself in the TeamSpeak channel. "So... What now? I asked George. He was silent for a moment, before responding; "How about we play more Minecraft, but no cameras. We just be ourselves." He broke the silence. I agreed as we continued to play multiple games on Hypixel.

We continued to play for hours, keeping track of the time. It was about 2am now, but neither of us felt tired. Me and George spoke about our life stories and what-not, and both of us had surprisingly happy childhoods. I finally yawned, beginning to feel tired. "I'm gonna..." I yawned,"Go to bed now, you should do the same. Good night, Spoofy!" I said before leaving the TeamSpeak. I turned my computer off before clambering onto my bed. I fell asleep, thinking back on what me and George spoke about. The same calm and warm feeling came over me as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

~The Next Day; Morning~

I woke up, my arms slightly sore. As I lifted myself put of bed, I realized I hadn't changed my clothing. I walked over to my closet, putting on fresh clothes. I did my hair and brushed my teeth before heading into the hallway, noticing Zak and George were already up. They whispered back and forth, controllers in hand. They were playing a video game. I stepped out from the hallway, George's eyes wandering over to me. He flashed me a smile, and I saw Zak look at both of us, smirking, before looking back at the large screen. As I walked closer, I noticed they were playing Minecraft on Xbox. "Hey, what difference is there in Xbox Minecraft compared to Computer Minecraft?" I asked them, giggling. I could have sworn George blushed as I giggled, but I pushed that thought away. A cold pebble lay in my stomach all of a sudden. If BadBoyHalo was right and I had a crush on George, there's no way he'd like me back. He's way too good for me.. I snapped out of my trance at Zak calling my name. "Jacob! What happened? You asked us a question before zoning out." He said. "O-Oh! Yeah, what is your answer?" I asked, hoping I didnt say anything or frown in my trance. "Well, I can't sit right next to George and communicate straight to him immediately get messages to him!" Zak used good grammar for once. I felt jealousy rise up in me before I shook it off. I stood and watched them for a bit before going into the kitchen. I made myself a bowl of cereal and wolfed it down. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through Twitter before my eyes snagged on a post from A6D.

"Awwwe! They'd make a cute couple ;)

[Video of Jacob holding the door for George at the car politely]"

From now on, I'm going to try to make my chapters over 500 words.

Words (for this chapter); 1298

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