New house, New me

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Man....this house is fucking huge, why was it so cheap?

You hear a car drive in with a lady and her daughter I'm guessing.

"Here is a key to open every door of the house" she says while sniffling snot.

"Do you know why this house was so cheap? Not to be rude!" You said in a regrettingly manner.

"Oh well you see-" she was cut off by the girl in the back.

"They died!" She said like she didn't know what it meant.

"Oh, yes...a very sad death too" the elder woman says.

"Oh, okay...well thanks for the key, um bye?" You say weirdly

She drove off fastly

Man, I should have asked if they died in the house. Oh well....

You settle in and look around l, you got chills while heading upstairs. You always had a thing for the dead, but a creepy thing. You were just so fascinated in it, you wanted to try yourself.

While walking upstairs you notice it had a bathroom upstairs and downstairs!

You go in and look at yourself

I still need to stop being afraid of damn mirrors...

You cover it with a towel that was hanging on the door. You saw the house had an attic, so you wanted to discover it.

What if the owners did die in the house, you know what...I'm just gonna leave it alone heh

And with that you unloaded all ur things and went downstairs to watch some TV, it was getting late so you decided to just lay down on the couch since you didn't have a bed yet. While laying comfortably in the couch, you hear someone walking behind the couch.

You were in that state were you thought you were just thinking, until you saw a man and woman walk up to you blocking the TV. You've had a ghost experience before in ur old house. It was like a horror movie, but let's save it for later...

You just stare at the TV and try to make them think you cant see them, they move closer while whispering something to each other.

Are they the couple, will they hurt me? Am I safe?

With those thoughts, they move closer were they are only inches away from your face. You accidentally make eye contact with the woman.


"OKAY OKAY, STOP, PLEASE, DONT HURT ME!" I scream out while the two jump in fear.

" Wait, you can see us?" The man said

"Yes, please dont hurt me, please" I whimpered with terror.

" honey we aren't going to hurt you, we just wanted a close look at your face to see if you were dangerous to this house or not" the gental woman explains

"Oh, well sorry for assuming" I apologize
"Are you the couple that died?" I asked not knowing I sounded a bit rude

"Uhh, well, yeah" they both say sadly

"Sorry you....died?" You say confused

"What's your name sweetie?" The nice ghost says

"Y-y/n, how about yours?" I ask

" I'm Adam and this is my wife Barbara!" Adam says in a happy tone

"Cool! So like, can you guys leave the house or..." I questioned

"No, or else we will go into- its complicated let's say!?" Babara says

"Do you guys need anything from town? I'd love to be a help for you both!" You say nicely

" Oh! Well could ya get us some more thread please?" Babara asks

" Yeah sure, do you need anything Adam?" I asked the nice ghost

"Not that I can think of..." he responded

"Well okay than!" You headed off waving bye when you realize you just left the house and its 2 in the morning...

Shit, oh well. I wonder if any other people died on my new property...

While strolling through town at 2 am... you see a thrift store is open and go in. You get the thread for Barbara and decide to get some scissors, hair ties, a blanket, and a hoodie

Once you arrive home you leave out the thread f oh r the ghosts to take and go to the living room and get on your phone I decide to go on camera.

Ew, my hair is a mess....
Should i....

With that you grab your scissors and cut it to the desired length and smile to yourself

Not bad, not bad

You lay back down and decide to watch what's on the TV. When you fall asleep you swore you saw a figure standing next to you.

"Mmmmmmmm, Adam please leave me alone.......I'm tiredddddd" you attempted to get out half dead

"Adam? Maitlands!?" A raspy strange voice who seemed to be owned by a man yelled in shock.

"Who the fuck are you?" You say rubbing your eyes

You look up expecting an answer, but it disappeared

Great, now I'm turning into a schizophrenic

I dont really know how I got to this, but oh well....

Any suggestions to my 0 readers, ah, didn't think so..

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