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After your long night with beetlejuice, you fell asleep and woke up with a very soft blanket around you.

Wow, I love this bed. This blanket is super soft, and these sheets- wait...when did I get A BED

You shot up in realization and was surprised to see beetlejuice on a hanging chair

You shot up in realization and was surprised to see beetlejuice on a hanging chair

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You got scared and fell off the bed

"Ow, agh, w-what happened. Weres the....um....nothing at?" You asked in awe.

"Well the house looked so blank, that I fixed it up! Also u alright babes?" He said as he lifted me up.

"I'm fin- WAIT WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" You say as you run down stairs tripping over a few but still getting up after.

You stared in amazement and fear.

Did he really do this, why

You thought to yourself while tearing up.

"W-whats wrong?! Did I do something wrong? I-I can fix it back just dont cry!!" He said scared he hurt me

"Why, did u do this. And how long did this take u?" You asked

"Not that long actually just all ni- " you cut him off with a tight hug

"Thank you, so much beej" you said crying

Sorry this is extremely short, I have some school work and sleep....to catch up on. I'll post either 2 more chapters tomorrow or a longer chapter, idk again sorry

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