You Jerk!

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After your incident...

You decided not to talk about it the next morning.

A week later...

You woke up with a cold chill, you thought it was bj.

You looked up and saw Barbra and Adam

"Oh hey guys! I haven't seen you in LONG time, how has li- have you guys been heh" you say awkwardly

"Oh well, we have seen how beetlejuice has been very....friendly with we talked to him...and umm, Honey why dont you take over?" Adam said

"Oh! Heh, after we talked..he uh, left.." she finished for Adam

You were in shock

He left? Why? Did I do something? What did they say?

"W-what did you say to h-him?" You asked hearing up

"We just wanted to make sure he wasn't going to do anything bad to you, or ya know... hurt you?" Barbra said in fear

But he said he'd never hurt me

"D-did he leave  a note at least?" You asked

"Yeah, it's on the fridge, just please dont be mad at us" they both said

"Its okay, at least you told me" you said in sadness

You went downstairs and looked at the fridge, the note had very bad handwriting and spelling. You chuckled to yourself at how he scribbled out some words.

The note read

Dear Babes,

im sowey I had to leafve, but I jusst need too think abot some tings. I mite be back in a day or to, againe I am so sorey...

You teared up but sucked it up when you realize he should be over soon since the Maitlands told you a day or 2 late...

You decided to grab your sketchbook and try to sketch a skeleton for Halloween. Yes, it was today...

While sketching you felt hot air on your shoulder, you turned around and saw nothing


You heard a knock at the door and saw some trick or treaters. There were 3 kids, a witch, skeleton, and devil.

You gave them their candy and as soon as you shut the door you heard another knock.

You guessed it was another trick or treater.

You opened the door and felt a hand wrap around you grabbing you into your home. You passed out in fear. Whenever you were dragged in you started to cry thinking you were gonna get raped, again.

You decided to sit still since you didnt want to hurt yourself. You looked up and saw a man turned around. You were so scared the man could hear you sniffling.

His back started to turn, you closed your eyes with fear. When you opened them you saw a face anxiously close to yours, a familiar one too.



He looked at you and frowned " I know, I'm sorry. I just wanted to play a prank you?" He said

"Ugh, were the Maitlands in this too?" You said calming down.

"Yeah, sorry" the Maitlands said in unison

"Its fine" you said walking upstairs

You packed a small bag with headphones, snacks, and your sketchbook.

"Hey, were are you going? I just got here!" Bj said sadly

"I'm going to the lake" you said with an emotionless voice

"Theres a lake? Oo! Can I come!?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, i dont care. I'm leaving now so bye" you said while tearing up again.

"Hey what's up, did I do something wrong. Was the prank to far? I'm really sorry?" He said

"A-year, it is. You just got me so scared I thought you were gonna..." you didnt finish

"I'm so sorry y/n, I just wanted some fun" he said

"Its alright, hug?" You asked him nicely

You both hugged it out and decided to just eat all the candy you were supposed to pass out. You guys hung out while scaring kids away.

At around around 2 in the morning you two fell asleep with wrappers all over you two while sorta snuggling


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