Oh well

718 22 7

Thanks too @hannaanimecos

After you guys hugged, you decided to take him to the lake down a few roads. It had a barn like bridge across it, very beautiful.

"Hey Y/n? Can I ask you something?" Beej asked

"Uh...yeah sure" you said worriedly

Is he gonna ask about yesterday...

"Do i.....do I make you...uncomfortable?" He asked sadly

What? Of course not...

"What? No...why do you ask?" You said back

"I mean...are you like, scared I'm gonna....hurt you....really?" He asked

"*huff* this is about yesterday isn't it? Listen, I'm sorry I acted the way I did....i was just scared....I think it's time I tell you what happened with me and my family..." yiu said in defeat

You told him the story and he started to cry feeling bad for you. You never knew a dead guy could feel sadness...ir any emotion really.

"Y-y/n, I'm so sorry..." he said while wanted to hug you.
He looked scared to hug you

"Its not your fault..." you said looking away while still walking to the bridge

"You still didnt answer my-" you didnt let him finish

"Oh my...what happened....the..the lake...its ruined" you started to tear up
"This was where I went to hide too" you pointed at the now pile of wood in the lake. You guessed the mayor took it down, but blocked all water from coming into the lake.

"I bet it was great" he said sadly

"Can you please answer my question now? For me...babes?" He laughed a bit

"Well....I was scared of you...I-IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN-Its just you reminded me of my dad...and it brought back some memories and I broke down acting like how I did back than." You say rubbing old scars you forgot about. You remembered your self harming days and lifted up your shorts to see if the purple gashes were still there, yerp....still here

"D-did you do that?" He asked

"Yeah, when I was 14, but I'm better now! Just a little embarrassed about them" you reply with

"Listen ba-y/n...I'll try not to get mad at you like that again. It's just that I tend to use anger as a sub for scared or sadness l, it's a bad habit of mine..." he vowed

"Dont worry, also wanna go home?" You asked

You blinked once and their you were at home


"YOU CAN DO THAT!?" You yelled shockingly

"Heh" was all he said

"Ima change into pjs, are you?" You asked

"I'm good" he said

You got changed into a t-shirt and some shorts. You wondered if he wouldn't care if you showed your scars...

"Hey beetlejuice?" You called out waiting for him to poof into your room, he did so.

"Yeah ba- mhm... Y/n?" He said correcting himself

"You can call me babes if you want, I dont call you by your real name a lot...even if I can't anyway" you said

"Oh, okay..heheheheh" he gave you THAT look

"So um...do you care if I show my...ya know, scars?" You asked in a soft tone

"I dont care at all" he said
"Is it alright if I hug you?" He asked

"You dont have to ask, like I said...it was just a flashback thing...don't be so worried!" You explained as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

You gave him a peck on the cheek while he buried his face into your neck hiding his blush. (~uwu~)

"Ima draw somethin, wanna watch?" You asked

"Yeah sure!" He said

He hasn't really been himself, no pervy comments or anything like that...

You jinxed yourself when you had to make him stop staring down at your boobs while you were drawing.

"Nice pair, I may say?" He said

"Shut up" you said

You guys started to get tired and decided to fall asleep, Beetlejuice didnt know what to do so he used himself as a blanket while covering up with a blanket which made no sense...

You woke up with a cold something on your back, it was beej. You didnt care though...

You tried to get up from his grasp but he pulled you closer and said "Noooooo, I'm still tiiireeeeddd....just a few more days?" He asked

"Mabey a few more hours wouldn't hurt?" You said quietly while he hugged your chest and you played with his hair. You didnt know if he was just to tired to think, or just wanted his face next to your boobs.

"Oh well, you win this time" you whispered

He smirked and snuggled closer falling asleep.


That's all I got....

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